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SAINT Type 30 Meikai 'Peeper' Automated Monitoring Station

Unmanned stealth monitoring stations utilized by Star Army Intelligence.


Class: My-H1-1a Meikai Automated Monitoring Station Type: Automated Monitoring Station Designers: Motoyoshi Fleet Yards Manufacturer: Star Army Intelligence Production: As needed.

Crew and Accommodations

Crew: None. Fully Automated.


Length: 100 meters Width: 40 meters Height: 70 meters


Category Starship Type Class Sublight Engines Distortion Field Hyperspace Drive
2 MFY Monitoring Station Meikai .375c 14,300c 394,470c (0.75 ly/m)

Speed (Aerial): Not designed for atmospheric use. Speed (Water): Not designed for water use.

Range: Limited by lifespan of the vessel. Except that crew can only be supported for up to fifty years without resupply. Lifespan: Two hundred years of continual use, with major overhaul every forty years. Refit: Frequent minor modifications while in service through the PANTHEON automatic upgrade system


The interior is densely packed systems. It is not designed to support a crew.


Hull and Spaceframe

The Meikai’s primary space frame is constructed primarily of Yamataium truss frames interlocked together. These major trusses are arranged in higher concentration around the sections of the vessel that are most likely to become stressed like around the CDD nacelles, auxiliary engines and to provide additional strength to areas such as weapons pod launchers. Smaller Yamataium trusses that form the interior frame of the vessel provide internal support for systems.

Force field generators are arranged at major truss junctions to provide additional strength, and protect these junctions from anti-matter hits in the event the major space frame becomes exposed or compromised in a battle. Of course the force field generators are small and can only absorb a limited amount of energy before becoming useless but this serves effort to provide strength to the space frame.

Secondary framework is nested within the primary space frame to provide additional support and provide support for ships systems. The secondary frame is composed primarily of small Yamataium trusses.

The primary substrate of the hull plating is interlocking Yamataium plates with a thin Xiulurium coating.

Computer Suites

A state-of-the-art suite of computers, communications and sensor resources.

Ke-S4-E3000 Moua Active Jammer

Operating out to a distance of 2 AUs, the Moua’s active jamming component couples active counter measures with effective white noise to scramble most enemy communication and sensor systems – rendering them effectively inoperable. When the Moua is active, the resulting effect on enemy vessels is usually enough to alert them to the Meikai’s presence, even if they cannot ascertain its actual location.

The Moua is not necessarily absolute though. It is possible for certain communication frequencies to be cleared prior to activating the Moua, and the same can be said for active sensor systems – allowing groups of Meikai to still coordinate themselves and monitor their environment. The same can be said for certain methods of transmission like point to point laser communication (which the Moua cannot block).


Taking advantage of the fields generated by its CDD, a low end shielding effect is generated. Missiles, debris, energy and other matter is channeled along the field and away from the ship.

Power Systems

Nuclear Fusion Reactor

This robust reactor is designed to allow the ship to operate indefinitely without relying on detectable Aether or dangerous Antimatter power generation systems. Its output is somewhat higher than the station to power the STL and FTL components of the system, but the increase is minimal compared to other power systems and even natural stellar phenomena in space.

Refueling System

Self Destruct System

If the station is tampered with or captured, it will detonate by overloading its reactor. If this system is some how rendered inactive, the on board Compact Integrated Electronics System (CIES) will eliminate its stored data by intentionally corrupting its memory systems.


Other Ordinance