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Transdimensional Translocator

The Transdimensional Translocator is an incredible, palm-sized feat of science and ingenuity guaranteed to take the user to an identical dimension with just the press of its big red button.

First introduced by Shasta no Sekai in YE 46.

Year of Creation YE 46
Designer Jerry, from Shasta No Sekai
Nomenclature Sw-G1-4600‏‏‎ ‎‎
Manufacturer Shasta No Sekai
Fielded by Independent, Any
Availability Mass Production
Price 3,000 KS


After a string of improbable thefts drew the attention of the Strays, the team was at a loss for how the culprit had performed the deed. A number of mundane theories were suggested, such as “It must have been an inside job” and “Nothing was stolen, what are you guys talking about?”, the team was at a loss. That's when the team lead had a brilliant idea - improbable thefts required improbable theories. The call was put out and suggestions soon came back. Most were easily disproved, but one was not.

“What if they went to an alternate dimension to get away?”

It was just crazy enough to be possible, but there was no way to test the theory. Shasta no Sekai's engineers were put to the task.

Specifically one under-paid, over-worked intern named Jerry.

With the deadline - the next day - drawing near and centuries of scientific study declaring the challenges associated with creative such a device, Jerry sat out to do the impossible anyways.

When the team arrived to see the fruits of his labor, a black box with a prominent red button sat on a table in front of them.

“Gentlemen, behold!” he had declared. “My latest invention - the Transdimensional Translocator. A press of the button will take the user to a dimension identical to our own.”

“Amazing! Does it work?”

“You can't prove it doesn't!”

After a lot of discussion, they all agreed that he had a point. Copies of the device soon began to circulate the offices - some used them for therapeutic relief (it really is a satisfying clicking noise) and others for the escape (the copy of themselves that took their place might have better luck with their problems and they might have better luck with the copy's).

From there, making a production model was a straightforward process.

Function and Design

The mysteries of the Transdimensional Translocator's construction, including the materials its made of1) and the nature of its inner workings2) are mysteries.

What is known are the effects that take place when the large, beckoning red button on top of its case is pressed.

The first thing that the user notices is a loud whirring noise, followed by a powerful vibration that extends to the user's own body. Next, the box and the user are bathed in light. The light, sound, and vibration increase until the user can see nor hear anything except for the Transdimensional Translocator's effects. As the effects reach their peak, a single chime, like that of a hotel desk bell, chimes, and all of the effects end, leaving the user in a reality so similar to their own that the differences are imperceptible.

After being used, the Translocator requires a minimum of one day to recharge. For time continuity purposes, users are advised to not dig too deep into the differences between the universe they started in and the one they arrived in. Instead, they should simply enjoy their new life, full of possibilities in this new universe they find themselves in.

Owner's Note

Dear Customer,

While all Shasta no Sekai products are made to the highest standards of quality, the nature of dimension hopping technology can, at times, be unstable. For this reason, we only guarantee the Transdimensional Translocator's functionality in cases when an alternate version of yourself is simultaneously using a fully functional Transdimensional Translocator to swap dimensions with you.

Thank you,
- Shasta no Sekai


The Transdimensional Translocator is a small, black box of simple, yet durable design. It is roughly 5 inches wide, tall, and deep.

On its side are two buttons, one green and one red. The green button turns the device on and the red button turns it off. An indicator light next to the two buttons lets the user know if the device is active or not active.

Atop the box is an inviting large red button. It remains miraculously clean and shiny at all times and makes a satisfying click sound when pushed.

OOC Notes

Whisper created this article on 2023/05/25 19:55.

Approved Here

its mostly recycled scrap metal
again, mostly scrap, especially scrap that makes loud noises and vibrates