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Nova Series Airbikes

Origin's Nova series of Airbikes were created in YE 35, to provide high-quality, low-cost, and economical Airbikes to the public.


The Nova series, based off the higher performance, higher-cost Type 32 Airbike, are made for both the economically-minded commuter, as well as the racing fanatic. Low frills, no-nonsense bikes, they offer performance on a budget, and are actually priced to be affordable to even the newest recruit, coming in at the same price as a soldier's joining bonus.

Statistics and Performance

Appearance: The two models of Nova airbike are very similar in appearance. Both have an identical, somewhat egg-shaped cowling with a divided scoop in the front, which is flanked by a set of lights. an upright windscreen is proceeded by controls and the instrument cluster, which are located atop the gas tank. Behind this is the seat, which sits atop the majority of the components, though these are hidden behind covers. Behind the front seat is a second, passenger seat, which sits atop a framework protecting it from the single fusion turbine that provides thrust for the bike.

Colors: The Nova Airbikes can be ordered in nearly any color for an extra 25 KS. Standard colors are Black, Origin blue, Origin green, and Cherry red.




Vehicle Systems


The bike is controlled in two ways: Handlebars, and pedals.

Miscellaneous systems

Computers and Electronics

The Nova Series has a basic on-board computer system that regulates the inputs from the rider and creates the desired responses from the bike, as well as helps keep the bikes slightly more stable in flight.

Propulsion and Power

The Nova Series is propelled by a fusion turbine which is powered by a HONEY BURST Fusion reactor. The Fuel supply is a Double Fuel supply, located in the upper tank beneath the controls and gauge cluster. The Nova is capable of lasting roughly two weeks of constant operation without need to refuel.


When the Nova Series is traveling at speeds below 150 KP/H, it does not create enough lift to remain off the ground. To remedy this, there are several small nozzles in the bottom which blow hot air down towards the ground, keeping the Nova from hitting. Beyond 150 KP/H, the system shuts off and diverts power to the engines for more speed.