Multipurpose Articulated Grip System

In YE 34, Origin Industries created the MAG System to provide a more reliable method of attaching equipment and weapons onto frames. Considering that magnetic clamping systems could be disrupted by any myriad of energy weapons or in some instances EMP, it was decided that a physical grip or clamping system would be use, leading up to the Multipurpose Articulated Grip System.


The MAG System is composed of several roller-chain-like lengths that can be ordered to 'lock' their rollers and are connected to a central armored 'stem' on which are several rudimentary sensors. Under the hub piece, are several hydraulic actuators which are connected to cables that run up the length of the roller-chains. These are in turn connected to the very end of these articulated lengths. Being integrated directly into the armor plate of what it is installed on, the system draws power or hydraulic pressure directly from the frame.


During operation, the frame activates the hydraulic actuators inside the MAG System attached to the outer hull. This results in the actuators reeling in the lengths of cable that are in turn connected to the roller chains, which causes the chains to flex against one another, grasping any object placed in their path. Additionally, the MAGS can also adjust the lengths of the roller-chain to better suit the object that needs to be secured to the hull. This, combined with the ability to lock several individual rollers allows for the chains to only flex at certain points, ensuring that it best conforms to the object in question.