OI-M1-W3202 Graser Rifle

Designed in YE 32 by Origin Industries, the Graser Rifle is a high-powered directed energy weapon that fires high powered beams of coherent Gamma Raysl While it was in the drawing board for most of YE 31, it was completed and rushed into production after Origin Industries employees were attacked by an Ravager and two Renders during a test run of the M1 Asura on Kennewes. The Graser Rifle has two modes of fire, the first being the normal mode of fire; The second mode of firing is Magnum, which pumps more energy from the capacitor into the firing mechanism for more damage and range, at the cost of using up more energy and lowering the rate of fire. The Graser Rifle is powered by a internal capacitor with enough energy for 30 normal shots or 15 “Magnum” shots; When the capacitor is depleted, it begins recharging from the frame's internal power source, a process which takes ten seconds.

Weapon Specifications