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The HEAAP round

The HEAAP round, or High Energy Anti Armor Plasma round, was developed in YE 40 by Osman Heavy Industries. The technology does not refer to a single round but instead to a round type.

About the HEAAP type round

HEAAP type rounds are gyrojets, meaning that they use rockets for propulsion rather than gas propulsion from inside the chamber of a weapon. The rounds can also work with rail and coilguns, since it is made out of a ferromagnetic material. Upon impact, a HEAAP round projects the plasma inside it like a jet, made to carve through armor.

A HEAAP round's damage output varies somewhat based upon the velocity from which it is launched from a weapon, as well as the caliber, size and the amount of plasma generated upon impact.

HEAAP type rounds are scaled up in all dimensions, keeping their design uniform if larger as the caliber increases.


The size, caliber and damage of HEAAP rounds can vary, as can their muzzle velocity, which at its lowest is 2 km/s.

OOC Notes

Alex Hart created this article on 2018/03/20 04:47.