Geshrinari Shipyards - Service Berth

Geshrinari Shipyards Logo A TC Company

Sample Service Pad

This is a modular component of the Geshrinari Shipyards - Spaceports design. A Geshrinari Shipyards service berth is where minor structural repairs and system upgrades are performed.

A typical installation has a landing pad that the vessel rests on. Sections of the pad can be elevated to support the ship in case landing gears are damaged or missing. There are movable cranes above that are used to lift damaged pieces off the ship, and bring replacement ones as needed. There are light arrays along both of the berth walls to providing illumination for safe working day or night.

The pad is equipped with graviton beam projectors to assist damaged vessels landing on the pad. They are also used to receive a damaged ship from the flight pad for repairs or a construction dock to perform finishing work.

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