Geshrinari Shipyards - Medium Spaceport

Geshrinari Shipyards Logo A TC Company

This page provides the basic details for a Geshrinari Shipyards medium planetary spaceport. Typically these are established on planets with a moderate populations and sizable space traffic. They can be placed to provide additional capacity on a planet that already has a large spaceport.



==== Facilities ====
  * 1 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:port_control|Port Control]]
  * 1 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:port_security|Port Security]]
  * 1 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:customs]]
  * 8 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:flight_pads|Flight Pads]] 
  * 5 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:service_berth|Service Berth]]
  * 3 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:construction_dock|Construction Dock]]
  * 1 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:passenger_area|Passenger Area]]
  * 1 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:cargo_processing|Cargo Processing]]
  * 1 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:cargo_storage|Cargo Storage]]