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Geshrinari Shipyards - Customs Office

Geshrinari Shipyards Logo A TC Company

This is a modular component of the Geshrinari Shipyards - Spaceports design. All spaceports have customs officers, but this module dedicates an entire facility to their work and support. Customs offices are typically manned by the customs enforcement service of the relevant local government. For spaceports within the Yamatai Star Empire this means that the area is manned and controlled by the Yamatai Security Agency (YSA).

The facility monitors inbound and outbound traffic and prepares the necessary personnel and equipment.

Personnel Screening

Cargo Screening

Security personnel and scanning equipment check incoming cargo for contraband, dangerous or illegal items, and shipping containers which are improperly sealed or which are excessively damaged.


The never-ending bureaucratic work of customs and import/export processing takes place here.

Control Room

The control room coordinates the work of the customs agents. It disseminates information about incoming cargo to pay special attention to, and about new and developing contraband issues, such as invasive pests or biohazards.

Holding Area

The Customs Office maintains its own small holding area, identical in design to the holding area found at Geshrinari Shipyards - Port Security.


This is where the customs personnel store their weapons and supplies when not needed, if they are an armed service.

Robot Storage

The customs facility sports a dedicated storage area for a robotic workforce.

There are charging stations along one wall for the EM-J5's for recharging. A set of shelves have the various accessories the office has requested.