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Black-Patent Revolver Assembly

The Black-Patent Revolver Assembly is a specific cylinder/hammer/ejector system designed by Donvan Black. The system first saw use in YE 41 when Galactic Horizon released the Galactic Horizon 7.7x30mm Recoil Compensating Revolver, and it is something that would continue to be used for the rest of the wheelguns the company would produce.

While indeed a trademark of Galactic Horizon, with a small pile of paperwork to go with it, the design is able to be licensed out for use in weapon designs by other companies if they should so desire. So long as they pay Galactic Horizon a royalty fee for as long as said weapon is manufactured.

Firearms that make use of this design include:

Designer: Donvan Black
Manufacturer: Galactic Horizon
Fielded by: Galactic Horizon1)

Function and Design

Regardless of caliber, capacity, barrel placement, and/or material, the base design for the Black-Patent Revolver Assembly remains the same. Its most notable features are the ability to hold rimless cartridges with ease, nothing new though a nice addition, and a cylinder that can form a gas-tight seal with the back of the weapon’s barrel.

Each of the cylinder’s chambers have a small2) divot large enough to accommodate the rear of the attached weapon’s barrel. After the cylinder spins one place and pushes forward it seats the back of the barrel in the front of the cylinder to eliminate the cylinder gap issue most revolvers suffer from. Additionally this improve the weapon’s accuracy. To retain rimless ammunition the extractor uses a small leaf-spring in each space, designed to put tension on the extractor groove of each casing and hold them firmly in place. This also helps serve the purpose of kicking ejected casings outwards from the weapon’s cylinder.

Galactic Horizon tends to make their cylinders and ejectors from anodized Durandium Alloy, along with their triggers, making use of the alloy’s light-weight properties to make the gun run smoother and ensure it feels nice to shoot. Though to improve the weapon’s thermal properties and overall extend its longevity, the cylinder is sleeved with Skusten inserts as well as having the hammer made from this exotic, more durable material. Additionally, Galactic Horizon usually give their components a Diacry-infused paint finish, adding an additional layer of elemental resistance and overall improved durability.


Galactic Horizon controls the legal use of their patents and this is no different, though, they are willing to allow others to make use of it in their own commercial designs should the other party be willing to pay a decent price. The exact amount tends to change depending on the outcome of meetings and agreements though generally Galactic Horizon has no issues with individuals using their design for non-commercial reasons, not that it is likely for the information of some Kuznyetski copying the design to make it all the way back to the company.

OOC Notes

SirSkully created this article on 2020/07/03 07:22.

feel free to add your company here if they make use of this!
usually a few millimeters deep