Table of Contents

GH Hyper Rounds

Developed in YE 40 by Galactic Horizon alongside their intended weapon of use, the Hyper-Shift Rotary Chaingun. The Hyper Rounds are an anti-infantry and medium anti-armour ammunition with both a kinetic and an energy variant to allow the weapon to function in most situations. The kinetic rounds also have a tracer version which will fire a tracer round every fourth shot in the belt to show roughly where the shots are going.


The kinetic variant of the Hyper Rounds is a hard hitting bullet which achieves most of its damage through super-sonic speeds, most effective within an atmosphere and against groups of targets or large moderately armoured targets.


Propelled at super-sonic speeds to allow for maximum potential damage from each round, this speed allows for slightly larger damage as effective range but due to the fire rate on the Hyper-Shift they lose accuracy.


The second variation of the Hyper Rounds, an energy shot for use primarily in space or against targets weaker to intense heat. These rounds are brightly illuminated yellow and have slightly better accuracy that the kinetic rounds but are still useful primarily for suppression and fighting large targets.


Slower that the kinetic rounds but bridging the damage gap through the alternate munition style of laser rounds. These rounds pack less force but a higher average damage.

OOC Notes

club24 created this article on 2018/07/26 19:40. Approved by Legix on 2018/07/29 in its approval thread.