Galactic Horizon Superdense Slug

Designed in YE 40 for use with the BreachaNova Heavy Shotgun, the Superdense Slug is the next step up from the Magnum Slug - as the former possesses a much denser composition and more effective aerodynamic design then the latter in order to pack a heftier punch while still retaining most its initial muzzle velocity. At close range, this slug is capable of punching through light vehicles, heavy power armour, and even some buildings - thus it's meant for use against tough enemy targets.

This slug is classified as a Class 2 Kinetic within the Galactic Horizon Munitions list.


General information about the Superdense Slug, including essential damage and efficiency details.

OOC Notes

club24 created this article on 2018/08/27 18:25; Frostjaeger approved it (using the checklist) on 2018/08/28 08:26.