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FMS Aerospace Seating System

Made in YE 39 by the Frontier Manufacturing Service for use in all vehicular applications. It's extremely modular design allows it to so fill any needs so long as the correct hardware is installed. The design is planned for use in all Frontier Service Corporation vehicles and is available to Independent for cost of production. The seat is also available to the public.

About The Aerospace Seating System

While the original prototypes were first seen in the Ashigaru mecha built by FMS the current iteration of the aerospace seating system was intended to fill the needs of pilots under far more G-force. The seat is specifically designed from the ground up to mitigate G-force on the pilot as a personal inertial dampening system.

Nomenclature Information


The seat looks like the seats generally found in fighter jets or race cars. It is very soft, conforming to the shape of the person sitting in it and features a thick 4 point harness for keeping the pilot steady.

Seat Mechanisms

The following are necessary, not optional, components essential to the seating system's operation.

Graviton Projection Devices

The seat mitigates G-force by careful application of graviton projectors in and around the seat. These graviton projectors are run by a small quantum computer dedicated to the duty of mitigating G-force on the pilot.

Quantum Electronics

A single quantum scale datapad is used to process information from both the vehicle and integrated sensory equipment and determine the appropriate reaction needed.

It has no ability to be interfaced with by any device that is not directly connected to a special service port on the computer module behind the seat and thus cannot be remotely accessed or hacked.


The following are components that are either not included with the base seat or not essential to the seating system's operation.

Seat Cushioning

Yes, the place for one posterior is optional on the Aerospace Seating System as it can be purchased with mounting equipment to secure a pilot in powered armor. One or the other must be equipped.

Emergency Ejection System

The concept of the emergency ejection system is simple. When a catastrophic failure occurs the seat is equipped to rapidly remove him from the vehicle and put him as far away from the chaos. With this option comes a battery backup to keep the graviton projectors in the seat working. Inertial dampening is sustained during ejection, which ensures the pilots safety and allows for even greater acceleration away from the craft.

This system comes in two flavors. The first is simply a rocket that burns for only a few seconds. For a little more an electromagnetic rail ejection system that functions very similarly to a rail gun can be equipped. The rocket style ejection system can get the pilot farther from danger while the EM Rail system can usually only launch the pilot about 15 meters(~50 ft.) In 1G before losing velocity, but is reusable. It does require a harness to be fitted to the armor

Integrated Air Supply

Especially useful for survival in space, this system also comes in two flavors. The first is a standard air tank placed under the seat with hookups for an air hose that should be connected to the pilot's helmet. The second was built for use in the U-1 variable mecha and includes a compartment under the seat for a liquid ally with hookups for an air hose that should be connected to the pilot's helmet.


Replaceable Parts and Components

Optional Attachments

OOC Information

This page was made by Rizzo on 2017/08/17 20:08.

Approved on Aug 28, 2017 by Ametheliana