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Bertenos Miel

Bertenos Miel
Species: Random Alien
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5'2”
Weight: 70 pounds
Organization: Rapid Reaction Force
Occupation: Exo Trooper
Rank: Sub-Commander
Current Placement:

Bertenos Miel in Roleplay

Bertenos Miel is a player character played by ShotJon.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'2” Mass: 70 pounds Measurements: BB Build and Skin Colour: Miel was born in an alien Sub-race and as such her skin is pale-blue. She is pretty tall for a woman, but otherwise she is wiry and has athletic build.

Eyes and Facial Features: Everyone was always jealous of Miel's radiant green, deep set eyes. Accompanied by small and cute nose and thin lips

Hair Color and Style: Uncommon to other aliens her hair threads are much thinner, even for standard type of alien hair. Her hair is dark blue and she wears it long and usually bound into pony tail.

Distinguishing Features: She have neither dewclaw, nor poisons gland. Also she covers her family-tattoo with bronze-like armband on left her upper arm. She has four very small symbols tattooed above her right eye, each for one element. Water, fire, air and earth. Her tattoo stating her pass into adulthood is one her left calf. She also has symbol of RRF on her right shoulder.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Miel is neat, mostly polite and softly spoken person. But when she gets angry or is in high-adrenaline situation that changes and she starts swearing. Other than than she likes to do things by the book and likes order in everything she does. She doesn't do anything half-hearted, because she believes that if you do thing only half you might as well not do them at all.

Her father who was soldier and conservative brought his military mind in his family life. With that upbringing Miel grew up into very focused and careful girl. It also made her very unfond of her father and his ways. His constant talks about 'old ways' and that thing must be done the way they were done. She herself came to the idea that everything that works won't work well forever. Sooner or later something will show up that will make it useless, that is why she thinks that everything can be worked on and made better. Even way of living.

Miel is not stuck-up lady though. She know how to have good time and has sense of humor. She likes being with people, but tends to keep her idea for herself because of how other people would look at it. Especially because of how new ideas are looked upon by most alien people.

Likes: order, work well done, exo-suits Dislikes: father, stuck-up conservatives Goals: Make her own name in her own way.


Family (or Creators)

Father: Bertenos Gara (47) - Military officer Mother: Bertenos Mael (44) - painter No siblings.


Miel was born on one of an alien world's moon colonies. She had a father who was a talented military officer with very good reputation. He was conservative and raised his daughter in this way. Her mother was a silent woman who held her husband as the one and only truth, and made living by selling paintings. Anything Miel's father did was right by her mother.

Miel had tough childhood where she always had to prove herself because of her father who lived by the saying that if you are not best you are nobody. He always wanted the best from his daughter and he always thought that he knew what is best for her. With her mother not caring and her father like this Miel grew up to distant from her parents. She always tried to get her duties done so she could get rid of them for some time. With that she often found herself always by herself just thinking. She was always thinking about various things, but mainly about herself and what she could do. She had her own way of thinking and it did not pleased her father. Often he even resorted to beating. She was often thinking about him and how she could show that she is better then him.

To her fathers surprise she decided to join the military. He always planned to send her of there anyway, but this was first time she ever did something he wanted her to do on her own spite. But upon making it trough the testing procedures she gave her father a nasty blow. She renounced her family, had her family tattoo removed saying that she will make her own name. She came to tell this to her father and then disappeared for Basic Training not to be seen by her parents since.

She made it trough the Basic Training and upon her Choice she asked to be put into RRF. With her joining RRF she was designated to become heavy trooper. She almost immediately fell in love with Exo-suits and did all she could to become best at this. Of course the way her father brought her up made an impact. She still tries very hard in everything she does. Also few people sees her only as her fathers daughter and she wishes to make name for herself hoping that her father being high-military official won't slow her down.

Skill Areas


Since she was child, her father was teaching her the art of wind-cutting. She is not master of it, but she knows it well enough do defend herself. Upon joining the army she was of course also put trough standard military CQC training. She also knows how to use knives. Miel is well trained with firearms used by aliens and weapons mountable on Exo-suits. She is a focused and accurate marks-woman. Miel started creating her own combat system involving a gun in close combat. It mainly specializes in getting enemy in position where he can be shot. Hitting enemy with butt of the weapon or using rifles for locks and throws is also involved.


Miel as an Exo trooper is trained to monitor hers scanning instruments, and to aid light infantry formations. She can hand out instructions, and direct the flow of combat at it progresses. She is far from being in command but has skills needed for giving out directions and information. After sucessfuly proving herself on the planet Ether, she was enrolled on War College, which she finished within a year. She was taught better on how to lead troops, focusing at the strategy and tactics involved in small-unit actions.

Technology Operation:

Miel is proficient in the use of alien computers, and other pieces of technology. She has taken basic classes to get an understanding of modern computer operations, as well as how to interact with alien neuro-computers systems. Miel took good care to learn more about alien systems she needs to calibrate her Exo-suit well.


Miel has been trained to be capable of operating all alien communications technologies. She can speak in low level code talk with ease, and can concentrate on speaking when under-fire or in a combat situation.


Miel received additional training with Exo-suit. She is designated pilot and spent many hours in the suit. She can move in it with easy and use all its systems very well. Spending a lot of time on a firing range also helped become well versed with using all weapons that can be mounted on the suit. Also as every RRF soldier she took courses how to properly operate alien vehicles. She can preform high stress maneuvers on the battle field.

Maintenance and Repair

Miel learned everything needed for her to be able to repair and maintain her Exo-suit. She still need some experience but she has most of the theoretical knowledge needed. With this she can take care of her own Exo-suit with ease and needs to call for technical staff only when serious problems occurs. This of course makes her part technician and mechanics. She now knows about alien electronics and basic mechanical problems.


There was something she learned from her mother after all. Miel is good with pencil and able to draw non-professional, though very nice pictures. She knows how to draw aliens accurately and doodles every now and then.


Bertenos Miel is currently a Sub-Commander in the Rapid Reaction Force.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
6000 GC Starting Funds (11.5.2011)
26000 GC 20 000 payment + bonuses (09.1.2011)


Character Data
Character NameBertenos Miel
Character OwnerShotJon
Character StatusInactive Player Character