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Lyshana "Nova" Seran

Lyshana Seran is a character played by Le Blue Dude.

General Information

Species: Elysian Gender: Female Age: 25 Employer: Ygg Occupation: Biotech/medic Rank: Current Assignment: Family / Creators Harkon Seran, father Meria Seran, mother

Physical Characteristics

Height: 4' Mass: 85 LBS +10 LBS for wings Measurements: 27“ 24” 28“ Bra Size: AA cup

Build and Skin Colour

Thin as a twig, short, and flat chested, her skin is warm and brown, and her skinny frame is surprisingly well muscled. Her wings are a large, and proud, signal of her heritage. Her skin is pale, she freckles easily. She's a tom-boy, especially since she enjoys flying, and skirts and flying don't mix for obvious reasons. She's quite well muscled, and well nourished.

Facial Features and Eye Colour:

Her left eye is grey, with subtle swirls of color. Her right eye is vivid green, giving her face an odd cast. Depending on what side you approach her face could look entirely different. Her nose is small, much to her distress, and her lips are thin, and hard. Her eyes are large, and her cheekbones high. From the description you would think this was pretty, but the independently pretty features don't mesh well, giving her face a somewhat distorted look.

Hair Colour and Style:

Her hair is black, and worn cropped short, to keep it out of her face

Distinguishing Features:

She has a dimple in her left cheek when she smiles. She has a tattoo of a dragon on her right arm, and her ears are pierced. Her wings are her pride and joy, and she takes very, very, very careful care of them, keeping them in lustrous, shining, condition. her wings are a major point of vanity, and she often will decorate them to show them off better. Lately she has started dying her wings in bird patterns.

Psychological Characteristics


She can get depressive at times. When depressed she tends to believe herself inferior to humans. In fact Most normal Elysians would be shocked and appalled at her sense of inferiority to humans… Especially considering that she might be a Patrician. Or she might not. She doesn't know, or care. She figures she probably isn't. (OOC: her father is. her mother is not. This is one of the reasons they left) Her parents never explained Elysia to her, or anything about their society. She learned about Elysia in school, and she believes in meritocracy, not a caste system like Elysia has.

Her level of connection to the situation around her varies. She almost has two personalities. An airy, spacey, slightly morbid, and creepy one all ideology, and head in the clouds, doesn't connect well, she gets this way when depressed. It's the tender spots, from some of her pain.

Also the iron fist in her velvet glove, an aggressive go-getter who doesn't take drama from no one especially about her work, and is willing to do whatever it takes. This one is more normal for her. it's the hard shell around her heart. Likes: Kind people. People who are interested in her work. Biotechnics. a little chaos. Flying (oh how she likes flying!) Dislikes: Elysia's 'system'. Intolerant people. Idiots. Too much chaos. Goals: To find her place among the stars, and see what there is to see.


Her parents were Elysian refugees, outcasts fleeing Elysia. They don't like to talk about why they left, but they left with a price on their heads. A price that might, for all they know, extend to their daughter. They fled, they fled as far from Elysia as they could. As far from any large governments that might turn them in to Elysia for kudos. They finally settled down on “Mattias' world”. it was an independent planet, a colony on top of several other attempts. It had voted independence from its colonizer ages ago, and their colonizer had other things on their mind, so never followed up. it was here, on a frontier world with primitive medical technology, barely on par with the 21st century on earth, that Lyshana was born.

When she was born she had an abnormally low birth weight, even for an Elysian, and some tests showed that she would be tiny all her life. Her parents tried to do something about it, but no one could tell them why, let alone propose a fix. They didn't even have the technology to.

Her parents applied to the planetary U, in the fields of biotechnology and chemistry. The knowledge that they gave attracted students from near-by planets, making the university rather prestigious. Soon there were good researchers in other fields. When their daughter was of age, they sent her to a public school, mimicking the humans around them.

She long had to deal with taunts, and teasing, throughout her public education. She WAS the only elysian on the planet, aside from her parents. She found escape in flight. She started flying at a young age, her wings growing faster then her body. She loved to fly. With the help of good nutrition, and careful care, her wings were growing out luxurious and shiny, more so then a normal Patrician. She grew certain most of the teasers were just jealous. This did not stop the teasing from hurting.

As she took to the sky more and more, she discovered that she could fly better then her parents. She believed that this was due to her small size. Her wings were quite large…. for her size. Eventualy she grew to like being short, and she took advantage of her ability to fit into smaller places to hide when she felt too hurt to face the world.

She had a normal, but gifted, schooling history. However her self esteem was hurt by how often her parents were busy, and by the taunting of many others of her age. She became reclusive in highschool, withdrawing more and more. Then someone reached out to her. His name was Gabriele Burns. The two became freinds, playing together, and to Gabe's delight he found that she could pick him up, and fly with him. Soon the two were dating. He helped her confidence some, and the two had much fun together. However, he dreamed of flying the stars.

He graduated with her, but instead of college, went to a pilot school, where he learned to fly everything from shuttles and fighters, to freighters and capital ships. They kept up correspondences for three years… until he left for the stars. His last message was on the day he launched. She has read it many times, a small warm spark she holds close to her heart.

Still in college, she continued to study, learning much. One year she went on an archelogical expidition, to one of the prior colony sites. It was widly knows what killed it, but she was to learn anylasis skills by figuring it our from the evidence. On the site she found someone's diary, a “Jane 'Schlimazel' Smith” and found herself much inspired by the tough woman's writings. She had it appraised, just in case, and transcribed, but it's era is indeterminate and it was decided to be mostly valueless, past the transcription. For all the archeologists knew, it was a prank. She was allowed to keep it.

She graduated college, and left her home world, heading to a more busy port of call. She wants to explore the stars, and leave the cradle planet, and she hopes to encounter Gabe.

Lyshana has wound up on Yggdrasil, and has been working on her tech for Toshiro.


Medical and Science: She's a medical officer, pure and simple, with plenty of medical training for any situation that can arise. She took medical training so she could have a sellable skill in college, and enjoys tinkering with medical supplies…. often to calamitous results, especially if she gets spacey

Physical: She's strong, and has a tough regimen of physical exercises to keep her in shape for flying! She LOVES flying, though swimming is also fun. She knows some basic martial arts, soft ones, which she uses to keep in shape.

Communications: She is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. She is fluent in English, and semi-fluent in Elysian. She can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc.

Tech operation: She relies on computers to do most of the math for her, and has grown very skilled with them because of it. She can operate all common computers, and a few less common systems.

Engineering: She can build and create works of biological engineering. This is her passion. She learned how to do this in college, too, and was her primary source of funds as a graduate student

Biology: She's an experimental biologist. She has very good biology, including xenobiology. She's good at this. She graduated in honors in her class

Humanities: She took some psychology and sociology to go with her medical package, so she could sell those skills. She makes a damn poor psychologist, though, but if you're hard up… mostly she uses her knowledge here to help program her toys

OOC Notes


2 jumpsuits

1 set of formal attire

5 sets of basic underwear

1 set of… ahem… luxury underwear

1 top and skirt

1 top and pants

3 pairs of earrings

Her personal computer

A picture of her parents

A picture of Gabe

Gabe's last letter

Jane 'Schlimazel' Smith's diary

1 colorful necklace, gift of a friend

Her personal Emergency medical kit

Her biotech tools and supplies

Other OOC Notes:

YGG bound

Character Data
Character NameLyshana "Nova" Seran
Character OwnerLe Blue Dude
Character StatusAdoptable Player Character