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Khelas Nascen

Khelas Nascen is a NPC Available for GM or FM use played by Madi Harper.

Khelas Nascen
Species & Gender: Female Senti
Organization: Shurista
Occupation: Diplomat
Rank: @@Rank@@
Current Placement: Governor of Shurista

Physical Description

Khelas Nascen is a tall, lithe Senti woman of Shuristan descent, with golden eyes and long, straight blue gray hair.

The has sharp, intense features, with prominent cheekbones and a subdued brow.


She is very traditional to Senti diplomacy and speech, featuring a calm and logical mindset. She is extremely focused, with a knowledge of history and application of historical precedent and law, but does not care for people who take advantage of that ideal.

She can be seen as flippant, dismissive, or outright disrespectful of people she considers to be in roles they are unqualified for, or worse, she believes are stupid.


Khelas Nascen was born 20日 4月 in Shurista. Not much is known about Khelas, only that she claims she is eighty five years old, and is a simple diplomat of the Shuristan General Council.

In YE:44, she was involved in the contact and diplomatic talks that lead to Shurista's joining the Yamatai Star Empire, immediately volunteering before the Council gathered to run the talks, and in the same breath ceded any governmental power of the Governor's office to the Shuristan Councils, setting a precedent of the office as a mere figurehead and gopher between Yamatai and the Councils with zero control over policy or law.

More important, however, are her political views and current beliefs.

Khelas believes that her decision was based on an implication of severing valuable trade routes and the potential of military action, mostly by her interpretation of history. This belief leads her to feel trapped in her office, and feel her people as trapped citizens of an empire that does not have the mobility and nomadic culture of her people.

Formerly a member of the Shuristan Isolationist Party, she disagreed with the Senti returning to visibility. She was also notably a member of the Cult of Skydas, the political and religious Senti subculture that believes that a military presence and capability is necessary to defend Flotillas in the event that they are found or reliable tracking becomes available to outside entities, no matter how closely allied. Now, however, she claims to be a member of the Anti-Xenoist League, and is a staunch defender of cultural identities of minority species and cultures across the sector.

Social Connections

Khelas Nascen is connected to:

Aliset Koun - “Traitor Aliset” is a former classmate and has been publicly called a “walking political disaster”

Shretas Natus - The Shuristan Senator and she communicate directly with some regularity, despite their disagreements.

Ranga Havard - A diplomatic and respectful communication between diplomats, spoken of with a respectful bitterness for one who made it all too clear how difficult the lives of the average Shuristan could become.

OOC Information

This page was created by harpermadi on 08, 14 2022 at 17:42 using the Character Template Form.

In the case @@Character Owner@@ becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameKhelas of Nascen
Character Ownermadi_harper
Character StatusNPC Available for GM or FM use
Current LocationShurista
Government & Politics of the Yamatai Star Empire
OfficeSystem Governor
Political PartyDiscourse