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Hailey Neopolitano

Hailey Neopolitano is a character.

Hailey Neopolitano
Species & Gender Female Minkan (Hyena Anthro)
Organization: Kallaris Protectors
Occupation: Conservation Assistant
Rank: N/A
Current Placement: Conservation of Animals

Physical Description

She's an anthro hyena covered in short fur that's mostly chocolate brown with striped cream and pink accents, and has hair that looks like strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate ice cream. She's 5'8“ and fairly thicc. Hailey's eyes are bright, sky blue. Her hair is wildly styled, as is the hair on her back and tail. Her ears are large and incredibly floofy and of good size. Her feet are actually tapered paws.


Hailey is about the most self-confident, party-phillic person you'll ever meet. Her demeanour is similar to that of a camp councillor or cheerleader, she seems to have a nearly unlimited abundance of energy. She's a huge lover of self-expression and individuality, loving her body so much she only wears clothes when she needs to.


Hailey was born as a “normal” Yamataian but went for an anthro look when she upgraded her body to a Minkan species in YE 39 at the age of 20. She considers this body more fun and representative of her self-image. She changed her name a year later in YE 40 just for the hell of it.


Hailey is related to: - Nobody right now

Inventory & Finance

Hailey does not own much of note.

Hailey currently has 1000 KS.

OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Wes on 2017/08/23 18:37.

Art by carouseladopts using the Waitress base. Paid adoptable purchased by Wes.

Character Data
Character NameHailey Neopolitano
Character OwnerWes
Character StatusNPC Available for GM or FM use