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Dusali Kharras

Dusali Kharras is a Active Player Character played by Madi Harper.

Dusali Kharras
Species & Gender: Female Senti
Organization: Councillary Office of National Diplomacy
Occupation: Medical anthropologist
Rank: Section lead
Current Placement: Shurista

Physical Description

Dusali is a tall woman who, who, at first, seems callous or perpetually stressed. However, her slender frame is backed by thick ropes of muscle that allow her to wrestle even the largest and most uncooperative patients to her will.

That said, her gentle hands and demeanor are matched by her snark and sarcasm to provide a humorous, blunt, and perhaps too caring doctor of sixty years tenure.

At 85 years old, Dusali stands a hair over six foot and three inches, and has no problems wearing pumps while on duty, often raising her height to well over seven foot. Being Senti, she weighs approximately 390 lb, with a slim and lean figure that does not show her weight. She was born of Smith heritage, enabling her skin to withstand blasts of high intensity heat and radiation with minimal damage, and increasing the density of her musculature, with a proportionate increase in slow twitch muscle fibers, making her far stronger and far more enduring than many other Senti.


While relishing in her height and strength, Dusali has a very maternal personality, caring deeply for people on and off her ship. Her snarky and sarcastic humor is often carried in her literal interpretation of words to make her seem harsh and uncaring, but the reality is that she's an extremely capable medical professional. Her deepest personal understanding is that some times pain and messes are required to provide long term benefit, from chopping off a mangled limb to grow a new one, to an injection of regeneratives in a foreign diplomat's eyes to help her see better despite the screaming and cussing.


Dusali Kharras was born aboard Shurista Flotilla and quickly made a name for herself, passing her Trials at a then unprecedented fourteen years old before choosing to study in general multispecies medicine, with focuses on pharmacology, xenobiology, and xenooncology, and graduating in the top 10% of her class, with honors. Staying in school for an additional ten years, she mastered medical subjects ranging from surgery to epidemiology, and found a special passion for autoimmune responses in bioplastic species1). From here, she went into the Shuristan Civil Service as an emergency medical technician.

After serving on nearly a dozen ships across the fleet and honing her craft to handle every ache, sprain, spaceborne plague and scourge, she was selected to move on to become the chief medical officer aboard SDC Himiko, as encouraged by her superiors to “cool her heels a bit and slow down”.

She eventually returned to Shurista and the ship of her birth to study xenopolicy and take on a job as a medical anthropologist in the Shuristan Councillary Office of National Diplomacy, and shapes her form of leadership on science and reason.

Skills Learned

Dusali Kharras has at least useable skill in the following fields:

As an accomplished doctor, her knowledge of biochemistry lends her well to culinary arts and sciences. While distinctly not the best cook on any ship, she is more than capable of cooking for herself and others.

The study of alien biology has offered unique challenges for her since her youth, and her experience across multiple species allows her to make educated guesses at the workings of most life and how best to care for them.

Dusali is talented at using her words and the attitudes of those surrounding her to her advantage, capable of manipulating base emotions such as fear, anger, and pride to gain consent to treatment from uncooperative patients.

While her Trials of Adulthood covered the basics of mechanical engineering and starship repair, Dusali has turned this knowledge towards medical applications, from cybernetic augmentation to prosthetics, and even being able to treat infomorphic or completely mechanical crewmates.

Her people's difficulties with surgical concepts don't apply to her skill at being able to physically manipulate the internal organs and repair damage to patients that cannot be accessed from outside the body. This enables her to quickly and easily use a knife and sutures to prevent death in patients too far gone for simple medicine injections to work.

A talented doctor in most fields, Dusali can easily form a treatment plan for most conditions, or knows from her own staff who is better suited to treat such injuries than herself.

OOC Information

This page was created by harpermadi on 08, 26 2022 at 14:11 using the Character Template Form.

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Character Data
Character NameDusali Kharras
Character OwnerMadi Harper
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationShurista
Character's HomeShurista
Approval Thread…
Species capable of modifying their physiology to adapt actively. See also Hedoro, Senti