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Unipuma Annapuma

Unipuma Annapuma is a NPC played by Yuuki.

Unipuma Annapuma
Species & Gender Nekovalkyrja Female
Date of Birth: YE 23.3.14
Birthplace Nataria
Faction Uesureyan Star Empire
Organization: Uesu's Fleet
Occupation: Fleet Subcommander
Current Placement: Yamatai Star System

Physical Description

Tall and physically imposing (for a Nekovalkyrja), Unipuma Annapuma has the old-style, three-fingered hands with no fingernails, long, fuzzy Neko ears, and red Nekovalkyrja Facial Markings on her forehead somewhat resembling a Bindi. With deep brown skin, bright green eyes and long, wavy purple hair usually styled in a neat bun while on duty, her facial features are typically Yamataian.


While there isn't necessarily a “typical” Nekovalkyrja personality, there are various, somewhat commonly observed stereotypes. Unipuma Annapuma, as typical of very early Nekovalkyrja, embodies a collection of them. She's loyal, driven, cooperative, and capable of savage aggression when called for. Somewhat airheaded and meatheaded outside of duty, she was, as also typical of early creations, somewhat undersocialized in her early development. Unipuma Annapuma prefers action to words.


Unipuma Annapuma was born in YE 23 in Nataria. Originally Star Army Infantry, she rose to the rank of Nitô Heisho through her service in the Fourth Elysian War, Second Draconian War. After the war, she attended Kyoto War College and was commissioned. After serving in the First Mishhuvurthyar War, she was among the Nekovalkyrja who left as part of Uesu's Fleet. Rising through the ranks, she now serves as a sub-commander under Muru Parasparta.

Skills Learned

Unipuma Annapuma has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Unipuma Annapuma is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Unipuma Annapuma has the Star Army Standard Issue Items.

Unipuma Annapuma currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

In the case Yuuki becomes inactive:

Yuuki created this article on 2022/09/25 09:46. Approval thread by Wes.

Character portrait from a prompt by Wes generated using his Stable Diffusion instance and edited by Yuuki.

Character Data
Character NameUnipuma Annapuma
Character OwnerYuuki
Character StatusNPC In Use By GM or FM
Current LocationYamatai Star System
Approval Thread…