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Sade Seter-Ae Haeterd-Ra ActotJK

Sade Seter-Ae Haeterd-Ra ActotJK is a player character played by slater.1)

Sade Seter-Ae Haeterd-Ra ActotJK
Species & Gender: Female Tsumi
Date of Birth: 30日 4月 YE 18
Organization: The Tsumi
Occupation: Infantry
Rank: Lowborn
Current Placement: Sheildbearer

Physical Description

Standing at 310 cm, Sade has a indomitable size of a monolithic figure among other species, but for her own she is a middling to above average height. Her skin has a near luminescent color of ash to it, like if someone took a sheen of oil and covered her in it and let it dry, and then dried her out in the middle of a storm of vibrant shards of sand. Her arms are not nearly as thick as they could be, but they have an intricate system of scarring. Done the hard way, rather than the more conventional modern method. Made repeatedly by running the edge of a knife over her skin till the filaments built up, and then cut in the middle to create a divot. Coming from her own angle, it drags across each arm and done to circle somewhere on her chest, except for her third arm (bottom right) which has been left smooth and untouched. Her neck, to her feet, has a variety of more modern scarification, and much more aesthetically pleasing. Clearly, she had made the previous scars out of dedication, and need, and then the rest when she acquired some money. Her horns reach a massive 125cm, and her musculature is wide, even her stance is large, but her form settles in a proud posture. As a more feminine woman who defined their muscle and body to come across as a more foreboding force. Yet, as all Tsumi women, she has that static hourglass figure, just built around. Her hair is a more shocking white, which both clashes and compliments her red eyes.

However, her voice is occasionally a lyrical combination of dulcet and falsetto tones, she sounds feminine, almost girlish, but she practices often to speak differently and more harshly.


The short answer: Gruff. The long answer: Gruff and quiet.

A full description is that she's been at odds with her position for a long time. Marked as a murderer, she's faced hostility and distrust, despite the circumstances of her birth and rearing. She's taken this into the core of who she is. She isn't deserving of distrust, she is distrust. She allows the suspicion to follow her, and she makes no effort to question it. She lives with and accepts the hostility. This has come over time, however, as she was an impetuous rebellious youth in the early years after the Ascendancy. She was an angry furie, and she spent many a days roaming the streets of her sector getting into all manner of violent trouble, as a result, her seeking into the military was stalled, for a moment, before she was shifted around till finding an appropriate position. That discipline, and distrust, codified her existence, and both go hand in hand with everything she does.


Sade was given to parents that didn't exactly deserve her, but were approved for the expansion of genetic responsibility, legally. However, they were not exactly perfect for the job, and with the frenetic and chaotic atmosphere, they were suddenly overburned by life, and circumstance. They ended up living in the lower back subsector, close to the reactor and it's overheating qualities. It was a slum, and they hated it, and each others, and soon, their daughter. Though the ultimate taboo was to harm something so precious a child, it did not stop overbearing and often shitty circumstances she found herself in. Reinforced of her worthless existance, and soon carrying the scar of it on her lower right forearm, she slayed her parents in the dead of night.

From then on she was considered a murderer, and she wore that mark, and still does. She spent time in the gangs cropping up in the area, and occasionally, allegedly though never confirmed, dabbled in cannibalism.

Her history brought a number of trials and issues, even amongst her time in the military. However, it taught her something she had already had a lot of latent talent for, but no practice. Discipline. The countless hours, the shielding, the work. It was something, and surely, being part of the shieldbearers wasn't an easy task. Learning to fire a gun with one set of arms while covering with another, or even practicing with a spear. Stain was overwritten often by future stains, but the promotions and achievements were something that would never truly ever wash away either.

Dueling however, came as a matter of course. At first, it was just a thing that happens to her. From people who hated her murderous lifestyle, to those that just wanted to turn her into a corpse for food, Sade has been dueling pretty much her entire life. Not all were to the death, but that didn't really stop them from having that outcome. It became clear that dueling her was not just a thing, it was the thing to do. Over time, she learned how to not to kill someone in a duel, and how to make it look like an accident.

This brought its own troubles to her life when some other or another challenger appeared, wanting to put the upstart murderer down, and sacrificed his rank and title to her blade. This brought a whole sluegh of problems into her life, and Sade the Duelist would become an even more popular figure, and desirable target.

Skills Learned

Slum survival: Despite her hard earned reputation currently, she still has a number of tricks and talents regulated to surviving the harshest conditions society has to offer. For a sect of society that eats people, that is nothing to scoff at. Danger, threat, intent, all of it must be measured against the risk, which is equally measured against the empty stomach. All survival and effort plays a role with each other, and surviving an expansive ice planet may be just as or less dangerous than survival a hostile slum sector.

Slum Combat: Surely the Tsumi aren't the type to murder, or commit indecency combat. Surely they would never learn how to do things in a way that would be easy to cover up. Surely not a single one of them would ever fight so underhanded, especially not a warrior of any renown or honor. Surely that warrior wouldn't learn how to make an illegal tactic wear the face of a legal one in a duel. Surely not.

Defensive combat: “Ever use a shotgun defensively? No? Well, you'll see.” All the Sheildbearers have a defense first offense second mindset, and thus they learn how to create choke points, focus on talents more regulated to defending civilians, rescue and aid, and most importantly, how to put enough of something between you and your enemy while still effectively hitting them. Even without their shield someone would be hard pressed to catch a shield bearer on the backfoot.

Master Duelist: There is something to be said that dueling is not just combat. It's charisma, back forth, a singular conflict. It can come in many shapes and sizes and forms, from words to fists to blades, but knowing how to duel is more psychology than it is combat prowess. Intimidation, intent, reading a person, following through on what they think they will do because what you are doing, like a mental 3d chess game is more important than fancy footwork or any real fencing. Being a quick, logical, practical thinker and seeing through what someone is saying to find out what they want has been a subtle practice for her since her childhood.

Social Connections

Sade Seter-Ae Haeterd-Ra ActotJK is connected to:

@@Social Connections@@

Inventory & Finance

Sade Seter-Ae Haeterd-Ra ActotJK has the following:

Standard issue clothing and equipment

Sade Seter-Ae Haeterd-Ra ActotJK currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by slater on 05, 12 2020 at 12:16 using the Character Template Form.

In the case slater becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameSade Seter-Ae Haeterd-Ra ActotJK
Character StatusAdoptable Player Character
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