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Washran is a NPC controlled by BionicSamurai who appears as part of the Azorean Diplomatic Mission to the IRC.

Species: Azorean
Gender: Male
Organization: Azorean Commonwealth
Occupation: Voice of the Children of Nimiss
Rank: Civilian (Elder)
Current Placement: Azorean Diplomatic Mission

Character Description

Washran is a very grey looking Elder with a tall and lithe build. He has white hair, violet eyes, and a slight look of age that sets him a part from the usual teen look of most Azoreans. Also, because of his age, his bones are half calcified.

He is uncharicteristically collected individual who watched much in life, but acted as well. Much of his earlier life revolved around mediating disputes and helping people see a different side to a situation. Experiences he brings to the table when negotiating.

History and Relationship Notes

Washran is originally from Edel and spent most of his life there, from education, through training as a negotiator, to becoming one of such renound that he got called to his position. Some may say that his whole life had been building to the moment of standing on the interstellar stage; however he prefers to take it as just another case. The Elder, though, is well aware of what kind of job he is doing, and how historic this case may end up being.

Skill Areas
