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Jenny Veal

Jenny Veal is an NPC controlled by GM Firebrand. She is part of the Heavy Weapons Element of Second Platoon, B Company, of the 555th Marine Battalion, AKA Tripathi's Tyrants.

Jenny Veal
Species & Gender Nepleslian Female
Organization: Nepleslian Space Marine Corps
Occupation: Space Marine
Rank: Corporal
Current Placement: Tripathi's Tyrants

Character Description

Jenny Veal is a term marine, who only signed up to do her four years and then get out. The military isn't her life, it isn't where he intends to be in five years, and she doesn't like being in it. A heavy weapons specialist, she's part of the Tyrants' Heavy Weapons Element, providing heavy fire support when needed.

Jenny is a nasty woman, hard to get along with and doesn't feel any need to try to interact with people- she spends most of her off time alone, on doing some extra work. Despite her introverted nature, she's well liked due to her love of a hard day's work and lack of ego, with hardly any complaints about anything. Just don't put her in charge of anything: she's indecisive to a fault and tends to have irrational decision making skills, at best.

Standing 5' 8“ tall, this yellow skinned woman has an underdog feel about her. A particularly notable feature is her large amount of body hair. She has an oval face, a narrow nose, angled lips, and her brown eyes are triangular. She has shoulder-length, shiny, black hair which is curly permed. She has broad shoulders, toned arms, a thin torso with defined muscles, a well-defined waist, and long legs.

History & Relationships

Jenny Veal enlisted in the Space Marines roughly three years ago- she's on track to finish her term of enlistment in a year or so, and doesn't plan to re-enlist.

OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Firebrand on 2019/08/18 20:20.

(Put art credits if applicable)