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Aster Blake

Aster Blake was an NPC controlled by several game masters who appears in multiple Section 6 related plots.

Aster Blake
Species & Gender Yamataian Female
Organization: Section 6
Occupation: Researcher, soldier
Rank: Sergeant
Current Placement: Deceased

Character Description

Aster was kind, if quiet, thoughtful and soft spoken. She was extremely intelligent, and known to piece together various pieces of advanced technology from low grade components. She was a competent and strong willed leader, which influenced the decision to place her in charge of the live fire prototype fireteam Bravo.

History & Relationships

Sergeant Blake was originally an intern for Section 6, responsible for multiple improvements to technology used by the fledgeling faction, including her history as a UOC Mayer Station survivor.

It was later discovered that she was a healthy carrier for the infection, and samples were taken, the resulting research being used to develop a vaccine to multiple strains of mutamorphic viruses, inhibiting their ability to kill the host and change the resultant corpse. However, the current version of this vaccine turns hosts into healthy carriers upon actual infection. More research will be required to actually cure these diseases.

Unfortunately, Aster Blake was killed in action during an attempted boarding of the S6S Anvil, where she, in command of the Bravo Prototype Fireteam, successfully defended an armory where multiple prototype or otherwise dangerous weapon systems were stored.

OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Madi Harper on 2018/10/28 14:48.

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