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Ta'Jana Nadka

Ta'Jana Nadka is a player character played by Jiori.

Ta'Jana Nadka
Species & Gender: Shukaren Daur Female
Date of Birth: ER 762v / 19 years old in YE
Organization: Kingdom Fall
Occupation: Duelist
Rank: Initiate
Current Placement:

Preferred Plots:

  1. Kingdom Plot

Physical Description

Height: 4 feet and 7 inches (4’7”)

Mass: 79 lb. (~36kg)

Body Type: Petite and a little more than moderately muscular with some curves and toned arm, abdominal, and leg muscles.

Measurements: 31B

Fur Color: Jet-black and well-trimmed.

Hair Color, Type, and Style: Short, some-what wavy jet-black hair that falls just above the shoulders. It has little to no split-ends, flows nicely, is well kept, light, and is not full/thick.

Skin Color: Honey tan.

Tail Color and Length: Slender, jet black, and about 1 foot 7 inches (1’7”) in length, and is slender, with trimmed and well-kept hair.

Tail Tip Color: Black.

Eye Type and Color: The irises are gold and the eyes themselves are upturned and deep-set with moderately long eyelashes.

Ear Type: Long pointed ears with little to no fur on the outside and the tips, with a bit of trimmed, 0.5-inch fur on the inside. All jet-black in color.

Facial Description: Thin, pointed nose with moderately high cheekbones, a heart-shaped head, and small lips. She has an enigmatic and bored look.

Eyebrows: Thin, pointed, and manicured, which are jet-black in color.

Posture: Straight, shoulders back, and almost never slouched.

Scent: Her hair is shampooed, and she gives off a fresh, light aroma.

Voice: A quiet, toneless, child-like voice.

Nails: Filed and slightly long, but not painted.


Ta’Jana is a very strong, quiet, individualistic person who challenges the status quo and is easily motivated. Her appearance and casual talk is very emotionless at times, but underneath, she is a fun and high-spirited person with a strong will. The monochromatic side was born from her endless years of training and fighting where she gained a realistic and nihilistic view of the world. With these years of training and duels, she has experienced countless wins and losses, making her a humble and highly competitive person. She is mostly cautious and not outgoing on first encounters with strangers, but after gaining her trust she is very open and smiles often. Naturally, she is prepared for most scenarios and isn’t easily scared or caught off guard. Besides that, Ta’Jana can be called courageous, inquisitive, and highly opinionated, although, she rarely shares her thoughts with others. In combat she is quick, agile, calculated, unrelenting, emotionless, and precise, making sure to finish her opponent quickly while conserving her own strength.

Likes: Freedom, peace and quiet, martial arts, music, chewing gum, drawing digitally and on paper, fashion design and fashion itself, science, formal clothing, traditions, swords, reading, and trying different food.

Dislikes: Inhumanities, dictators, losing, not being clean, people who blame others, and arrogant people.

Goals: She wants to contribute something to the world and leave a name for herself which she can be proud of.


Ta'Jana Nadka was born in ER 762v / 19 years old in YE.

Ta’Jana was born on Uvarun 2 in the agricultural districts outside of the planet’s largest city. Her mother, Uae’on, and father, Kov’blae, are middle-class farmers who co-own a martial arts school with Uae’on’s father, Geroz’kov. Geroz’kov is a retired military officer who left early in his life, mostly due to his strong beliefs against the royalty and establishment. These beliefs were strengthened over many years from his time dealing with terrorists and alien encounters. Her parents also share these views and have experienced firsthand the failures of their nation. Along being a retired military officer, Geroz’kov is a planet-renowned duelist, known for his art of wielding a sword which he learned at a very young age. Tragically, 20 or so years ago he lost an arm in a duel that got out of hand and decided to retire from dueling as well, choosing to instead to become a martial arts instructor as he opened a school for such arts.

Ta’Jana was born into this family which also consists of her six siblings which include two older brothers, two older sisters, and a sister and brother who are her age. Her childhood was filled with joy and love as she had endless fun with her sibling who taught her many things and kept her constantly busy. Early in her growth, she developed a close relationship with her older brother Eru’on, who followed his grandfather and became a somewhat renowned sword duelist. Along with her older brother, later in her life, Ta’Jana became close with her older twin sisters Jae’un and Ta’Vae, who taught her about fashion and acting like a woman. From them, she gained a love for fashion and designing clothes, which she does in her free time. As a child, Ta’Jana was very competitive and was constantly exposed to martial arts as she loved to watch and train with her brother and grandfather. She quickly took a liking to sword-wielding in particular and would often train with her brother, who never held back. Despite this, her parents were reluctant to allow her to go to the actual matches, which were gruesome and intense. Ta’Jana endlessly pestered her parents into letting her go to Eru’on’s matches, and when she turned five years old, they finally let her go. The first match she watched only solidified her desire to become a duelist and she would spend the next years of her life training with her grandfather and brother and going to school.

When Ta’Jana graduated from her last year of required schooling, she was already a professional duelist and had won plenty of fame. As a somewhat smaller Daur, and because dueling isn’t gender-biased, she has fought opponents many times her size, making her rely on her speed and precise techniques. With these skills, she had attended and won medals at national duels two years in a row, which were held on every planet in the Kingdom of Neshaten. Despite her parents and grandfather’s opinions toward the kingdom, they made sure to have their children decide on their own what they believed. After many years Ta’Jana developed a very nationalist set of ideals from her schooling and experiences, but also, a desire for freedom and a voice in government. The reason being that her ideals were constantly left unfulfilled by the kingdom’s actions, policies, failures, weaknesses, and seemingly complacent attitude toward the far superior aliens at their borders. After having experienced in detail every colony and their peoples, ideals, and cultures from her national matches, Ta’Jana views were only solidified. Also, she developed an interests in languages and has since spent time learning to speak different dialects and languages. Upon returning from her matches, she was filled a desire for change and shared these thoughts with her grandfather. Geroz’kov, after listening to his granddaughter and knowing that she was serious, told her about his contact with Kingdom Fall, who had actively sought him as an instructor. With this, Ta’Jana found what she was looking for, a way to bring about change for the greater good of Neshaten.

Social Connections

Ta'Jana Nadka is connected to: Father: Kov’blae Nadka (age: 45)

Mother: Uae’on Nadka (age:46)

Sisters: Jae’un (age: 22), Ta’Vae (age: 22), and Nav (age: 19)

Brothers: Eru’on (age: 22), Ki’Vel (age: 22), and Drov’ke (age: 19)

Sensei and grandfather: Geroz’kov Ter’ok Dosev’to (age: 102)

Skills Learned

Technology Operation

Ta’Jana has basic technical knowledge and understanding, but nothing greater than what a civilian not in a technical field knows.


She has completed all her required schooling with passing grades, met with countless people, and traveled to all colonies in the Kingdom of Nreshaten, giving her an intimate knowledge of the kingdom and its people.


Ta’Jana is skilled in all martial arts but is especially talented and trained in the art of wielding a sword. She spent her childhood training with opponents many times her size and strength and has fought in countless duels against many different kinds of people. Along with this, she was a professional duelist.


Every day for most of her life she has rigorously trained and exercised, giving her a great deal of endurance, strength, speed, athleticism, and flexibility, as well as acrobatic skills.


Ta’Jana has encountered countless people and has often had to deal with media and fans, giving her exceptional skills in communication. Along with this, she has developed a passion for learning different languages.

Art and Vocations

She loves to design clothes and learned from her sisters who to sew and create fashion pieces.

Inventory & Finance

Ta'Jana Nadka has the following items:

OOC Notes

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In the case Jiori becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameTa'Jana Nadka
Character OwnerJiori
Character StatusInactive Player Character