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Mithki 'Thunder' Fyunnen

Mithki 'Thunder' Fyunnen is the Caste Leader of the house Fyunnen, one of the four houses in the Lorath Matriarchy. Her informal name Thunder is a well-earned name, she is considered a fearless woman that goes beyond her own duties to protect her people.

Played by Rawolfe.

Mithki 'Thunder' Fyunnen
Species & Gender: Lorath Female
Date of Birth: Yamataian Years 36
Organization: Lorath Matriarchy & Fyunnen
Occupation: Caste Leader
Rank: High General
Current Placement:

Physical Description

Mithki got beautiful waist-length white hair that matches her pale skin and yellow eyes. She has some minor scars on her right cheek that can be dated back to her combat periods. She is, like most of her house, 2 meters and 8 cm in height and weighs 114 kg. Her body is quite muscled build and she has a solid and tank'ish posture and yet is overall well toned.

Over the years in her life, Mithki has done various medical treatments that would replace most of her skeleton for cybernetic as she wanted to be at her best to serve her people. This made her much tougher and stronger. Her cup size is C.


Like most of her House, Mithki is very militaristic and can be considered a patriot to her people. From the outside, she can be very cold in her gaze, hot temper, and ready to jump into any sort of combat. If there is punching involved, she wouldn't think for a second and step in to come out as a winner. She is quite direct in any conversation, people that know Mithki will not feel offended by it, but others might have to swallow their pride. From the inside, Mithki is a well-thought soldier, if a situation would go south then she remains rather calm and takes every option into consideration. The strength of Mithki is that she does this thought-process when in action, noticeable is that she is quiet then, rather than bragging.

Her weakness is the very thing that she is protecting with her life. Her family, house, and people. She is also considered by many a loose cannon that will do anything to reach her goal, thus not many of the other houses see her as a fit for Caste Leader. But there is no one more loyal, motivated, and protective than Mithki. Oh, she also has a weakness for fragile beings.


Born into the House of Fyuunen with no notable standing what so ever. Mithki had to prove her standing with the house at every single moment in her life. This became mostly because of the lower standing of her family, her father was nothing but worthless as her mother cowardly fled the scene to be with her family. Mithki learned the history, the ways, the ethical and cultural values of her people, and she was disgusted by her mother's actions at a later age. But because of her own hatred, the other members of the house would seem worthy to grow as a person, not as a family member of a disgraced family that turned their back on their own people for their selfish needs. Mithki underwent harsher hardships than others within the Fyuunen House, she had to prove herself after all.

Because of her drive, motivation, and ambitions, she learned to fend for herself, fight for herself, and train every single day to become better. She didn't bounce back from any combat that was thrown at her. Most of her fellow house members saw her as a loose cannon that needed to tune down, but others saw great potential in her. Mithki was guided to become more of a tactician and controlling her breathing while in combat by veteran soldiers. Her house was put onto the line when the civil war began, many died in that battle. But Mithki was among those that rose from it as an exemplary leader that charged into the battle. She earned her name Thunder from this very moment, her bravery, quick attacks, and fearless moments.

So much has happened, the victory of the civil war, the Occheeta exile, and the exodus to the United Outer Colonies. This changed her military career as she automatically joined the Lorath Self Defense Force and due to her experience in the field, she was given the rank of Lieutenant. She began to make a reputation within her own house, but others started to notice her rampage behavior as well and were less impressed. She was part of the operation that would go into the history books as the moon drop. Due to her actions Mithki was promoted to Commander and in YE 33 she was part of defend forces to help with the newly re-established Lorath Matriarchy. Over the years she grew in positions and rank and finally reached the rank of Vice-Admiral as of YE 42 and got elected as the new Caste Leader of the House of Fyunnen.

Skills Learned

Mithki 'Thunder' Fyunnen has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Mithki 'Thunder' Fyunnen is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Military Equipment

Individual name printed on the back and left breast of the chest.

Normal Equipment

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Waiting for Destiny Active

OOC Information

This article was created on 2020/02/13 15:17 using the namespace template.

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Character Data
Character NameMithki 'Thunder' Fyunnen
Character OwnerRawolfe
Character StatusInactive Player Character