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Dranacy "Feather" Fyunnen

Dranacy “Feather” Fyunnen is a player character played by Chris Young.

Dranacy “Feather” Fyunnen
Species & Gender: Female Lorath
Date of Birth: 1日 4月 YE 01
Occupation: Soldier
Rank: Footman1)
Current Placement:

Physical Description


Feather is, to put it simply, a sad product of her people's prejudices. Arrogant, self assured, cocky, boisterous, demeaning to men, Helashio and aliens alike. She believes in the superiority of her own race over others but will work with them to further her mission, though she has little tolerance for jokes.


Bullet point highlights:2)

Skills Learned

Social Connections

Dranacy “Feather” Fyunnen is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Dranacy “Feather” Fyunnen has the following:

Dranacy “Feather” Fyunnen currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by cdyoung on 11, 25 2017 at 23:25.

In the case Chris Young becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameDranacy "Feather" Fyunnen
Character OwnerChris Young
Character StatusInactive Player Character
Feather's actual rank is Viscountess, due to being the personal aide to the Leader of the Lorath people
Since seriously writing out her history would be a light novel worth of effort.