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Ydrin McMaster

Ydrin McMaster is a player character played by Dragon God.

Ydrin McMaster
Species & Gender: Male Human
Date of Birth: 32日 8月 YE 20
Organization: None
Occupation: Mercenary Engineer
Rank: Genesis Squad Engineer
Current Placement: Expanding Horizons: Nephis Nights

Physical Description

Ydrin is 5’8” and weighs 120 lbs. His skin is fair, white, smooth, and with golden eyes. His hair being very short and grey. Physically he’s a slender build, though mostly just thin. Having only some from physical exercise that he has done.


With a life such as him, he’s a very shut out person. Being a mute. He uses sign language to talk to others. His demeanor is more cold and neutral. Easily tempered though still young with some sense of humor like everyone else. His only outlet being his fellow members in Genesis Squad.


Born in a black light district from a whore of a mother, and a father nonexistent. He was alone for most of his life. His mother working in the room next from him. Going through school was easy for him as he passed all of them. However he was more-so of an engineer. Which he went into the private businesses to help with robotics and other mechanical issues. Since jobs were in such few supply.

This was when he was encountered at the age of 18 by a man and a group of 3 others. Offering him a large score. He accepted, they were to rob a chain of stations then flee from Yamatai and Nepleslian Space. Infiltrating them and stealing data banks and anything that could sell for a profit on the black market or money in general.

Ydrin was the one who hear their last operation go terribly wrong, almost getting blown up by the Station security and their video systems coming back online. IDing all of them in the process. Forcing them to have to begin to flee from Yamatai space as well as Neplesia.

Skills Learned


Can read, and write Yamataigo, Seraphim, and Trade. Can only communicate ‘verbally’ through sign language.


Being an engineer, he knows the ins and outs of vehicles. Being an excellent driver and Mecha operator.

Maintenance and Repair

As expected from an engineer, he has the knowledge to keep everyone’s gear and supplies in order and operational. Making sure that nothing gets FUBAR so people aren’t SOL or JWF.


Having been taught basic combat. He knows how to handle himself in a fight. Having some violence from where he grew up and having to learn to defend himself when in a combat situation.


Ydrin knows how things run. Therefore he pays attention to things that he learns and tends to not forget. Even if he can’t articulate it to others most of the time.

Social Connections

Ydrin McMaster is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Ydrin McMaster has the following:

Repair kit

A black and maroon jumpsuit

Kevlar padded armor

A 10mm pistol

A laptop

A tablet

A OI-M1-1A Ashigaru

Ydrin McMaster currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by dragon_god on 11, 06 2018 at 12:24 using the Character Template Form.

In the case dragon_god becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameYdrin McMaster
Character OwnerDragon God
Character StatusInactive Player Character