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Yao Propori'diyapatchta

Yao Propori'diyapatchta is a Active Player Character played by Charmaylarg.

Yao Propori'diyapatchta
Species & Gender: Female nekovalkyrja
Organization: Yuukan Republic
Occupation: Marksman
Rank: Landsknecht
Current Placement: 2nd Armoured Brigade 2nd Platoon

Physical Description

Keeping most of the more petite and demure body proportions of her old body Yao is a roughly 5'3“ NH-29 YNNX neko of petite proportions. Wide hips and a small chest give a malnourish opinion at a glance reinforced by sunken cheekbones, and sallow if olive-tinted skin give Yao a fragile but still attractive look to her species.

All of this is not to say she is not fit or in shape as her body is lithe and taut over a young girlish figure reminiscent of a young woman in their mid-twenties. Short-hazard and kinky-cut hair goes down to her neck while bright orange eyes draw attention to the curious intensity of her gaze and pout lips finish off an innocent face of smooth olive-tonned skin.

The only visible markings Yao has are her identification tattoo under one eye, and the interface connections on her back. Her body is remarkably free of scarring even for a neko of the YNNX but can be chalked up to her profession often keeping her from the closest of fighting.


Yao is meek. She appears to the world to be a leaf shaking in the wind at all times as her appeared disposition might mark her as a coward or easily frightened and intimidated.

The reality is that Yao is often reserved in her innermost thoughts and prefers quiet contemplation to direct confrontation. This is not to say she is the coward she may seem but has instead learned from past traumas to always wait and watch before acting and has saved her on more occasions when those who act first oft meet the consequences of their actions.

Yao is also mentally damaged somewhat on a psychosomatic level from encounters both close and literal with her former mishu masters. And while these traumas have been mostly repressed or outlived she still carries the mental scars of past battles and family loss and so subconsciously shakes in moments of stress subconsciously. She also has most fully embraced the indoctrinations of the YNNX but also remembers the lessons of the old masters and is as such grateful to the new regime even if she understands some of its faults and considers it an ideal alternative to being under the yolk of the NMX.


Yao Propori'diyapatchta was born 12日 7月 20 in the fourth batch consisting of seven sisters to a growing adoptive family unit of NMX neko sired by six dwindling existing family units; The Propperoi, Porisyannn, Diya, Patchippidliny, Tchoya, and Talandarth.

These families, safer together in the cruelty of their kind sired their daughters together until near adulthood before inevitably giving most up to their Mishu masters. Yao was unremarkable compared to many of her sisters or the generations past but showed an aptitude for perception and attention to detail amongst many others and was given separate training with ranged weapons.

Yao proved herself a competent marksman amongst the neko hordes of the NMX/SMX and proved the worth of her continued survival in a few key situations that all but ensured her worth and merit worth nurturing compared to some of the fodder and chattel that had become her lost sisters.

For her masters Yao have seven children; Yao, Yao, Yao, Yao, Yao, Yao, and the youngest she would affectionately name Yao. Passing on her skills with a rifle there was a growing chance that Yao the elder may one day be pulled off the horrific and terrifying front lines of conflict against the UOC, Nepleslia, and Yamatai and be tasked with a much safer job of siring future generations like her foremothers before her.

Before this would come to pass, Yao made a fatal mistake and missed against all odds a shot that otherwise would have been impossible and resulted in the death of one of her masters as a result when her target survived. Marking her record unfavorably Yao was disciplined in ways by her former masters that even today cause violent wracks of subconscious shaking or spasms and recall the ghost sensations of foreign and invasive chemicals nearly destroying her very mind. She would survive this but be a near invalid unable to properly function until the rise of the Yuukan Republic and the bloody fighting to overthrow the Mishu masters of old to replace them with a more “benevolent” self ruler of the former Neko caste.

With the lack of a proper veteran cadre for the new ranks Yao was tracked down and re-indoctrinated even with her mental state. Suprisingly the new ways and dogma helped her repress her traumas and Yao Propori'diyapatchta was something once again close to whole.

Social Connections

Yao Propori'diyapatchta is connected to:

For her new people and masters, Yao has been given the right to produce offspring and has as of recent times given numerous daughters to the Republic from various gene sires. They often live with her for a time to learn the ways of the marksman before eventually being sent off across the republic to bolster its ranks with a competently trained cadre.

Her current batch of daughters is as follows:

Inventory & Finance

Yao Propori'diyapatchta has the following:

Yao has at her disposal a custom Kingsbane anti-material rifle. It only differs from the original with minor features such as its wear, leather wrappings, custom muzzle brake/flash hider, and adjustments to the sights and alterations to the breach.

OOC Information

This page was created by charmaylarg on 11, 15 2022 at 13:02 using the Character Template Form.

In the case @@Character Owner@@ becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameYao Propori'diyapatchta
Character OwnerCharmaylarg
Character StatusActive Player Character