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Xinichthez (Thez)

Xinichthez (Thez) is a player character played by Jomber.

Xinichthez (Thez)
Species & Gender: Male Random Alien
Date of Birth: 13日 7月 YE 19
Organization: Independent
Occupation: @@Occupation@@
Rank: @@Rank@@
Current Placement: @@Assignment@@

Physical Description

Xinecthez, or his nickname Thez since saying his full name is a mouthful, is a very large creature, being able to fill up the size of an entire bedroom should he try to squeeze into one. He has a long oval-like shape going lengthwise. From underneath his belly stream out a multitude of tentacles, with two main ones towards the front which he uses to manipulate most objects. On his back is menagerie of devices and equipment, some of which is dedicated to being able to directly plug into specialized inputs. Thez's skin color is a dark brown. His head is relatively small compared to the rest of his body, and is very circular. His eyes are composed of three horizontal glowing orange hits. He lacks any visible ears and has no hair.


Thez is generally cautious, cynical, and a bit pessimistic. He tends to stay level-headed during dangerous situations, though he can lose his temper in social situations. He tends to keep to himself and be secretive, though he is willing to work with others and is generally cooperative.

His current goal, whether he acknowledges or not, is to find a sense of belonging. Due to being uplifted from one species, and given artificial memories of another, he feels as if he doesn't truly belong anywhere, and despite pushing other people away, has a sense of loneliness.


Thez's origins is that of a species called the Aquazorais. He was uplifted due to his role in the species of being one of the “leaders,” being able to effectively control underlings, and this was needed for an experiment for a tyrannical government. The goal was to have an operator control a security system over a colony to keep it in check, and Thez's biology could be easily adapted to control mindless robotic drones. He was given artificial memories of a military general in order to train him in the art of war, and to ensure loyalty to the government. However, colony rebels caught wind of this plan, and enacted a ploy to swap the memories with ones more sympathetic with the rebel cause. The plan was a success, and with Thez's help, manage to overthrow and free the colony for the time being.

Thez left afterwards on his own, conflicted with his upbringing and manipulation. Having no true home to return to as his species is far from intelligent, and having human memories that were not only not his own but from a totally different species, he searches the stars for a place where he might truly belong.

Skills Learned

Social Connections

Xinichthez (Thez) is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Xinichthez (Thez) has the following:

Standard issue clothing and equipment

Xinichthez (Thez) currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by jomber on 07, 12 2020 at 12:43 using the Character Template Form.

In the case jomber becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameXinichthez (Thez)
Character OwnerJomber
Character StatusInactive Player Character