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Wynne Orlova - Woon Orbloon

Wynne Orlova - Woon Orbloon is a Active Player Character played by Miss Story.

Wynne Orlova - Woon Orbloon
Species & Gender: Genderfluid Random Alien
Organization: @@Organization@@
Occupation: @@Occupation@@
Rank: @@Rank@@
Current Placement: @@Assignment@@

Physical Description

to be filled in


Wynne can sometimes seem scattered like she's waiting for input that isn't there. Separation from her twin was unbearable but she does not see it as a permanent state of things. She feels as though Moon was the only person who understood her properly. She can be haughty and self-absorbed. She puts a high value on her own appearance. She is the sort of person to bury her anger and let it simmer into a delicious loathing, plotting retribution if she is slighted. She relishes in the finest things that the Kikyo sector can provide. She doesn't engage in risky behavior unless it puts her closer to her goals or perhaps puts others into her debt. Sometimes social capital can be as valuable as wealth or knowledge. She is charming and superficially friendly, growing cold around people who have nothing to offer.


Wynne Orlova - Woon Orbloon was born 11日 6月 43 in Sood Zadra. Woon was created alongside her twin Moon in synthesis tubes by corp:quallox_vaibal They were designed specifically for conducting research and operations in planetary science. They specialized in terraforming. Being very opportunistic and feeling unappreciated and that others in the company were crediting from their work they plotted to fake their deaths and slip away together. While inspecting thermal fissures they knew to be unstable they staged a cave-in that would make it look like they had been crushed and burned by the molten rock. It was even more unstable than expected and the twins were separated, leaving Moon stuck on Sood Zadra while Woon made it off world as a stowaway.

She didn't stop running until she was sure the corp who had created her was not searching for her. She was a little aimless until she learned of an expeditionary ship that likely required someone of her skill set. Woon devised what she considered a convincing letter of recommendation Alluding to her training. But the paper trail did not meet the level of skill that was probably required to hide her suspicious origins.

Skills Learned

To be filled in

Social Connections

Wynne Orlova - Woon Orbloon is connected to:

Woon's only family is her twin Moon. They were separated while they attempted to escape their situation and earn themselves wealth and respect. Woon is unsure what has happened to her Twin. But plans to Seek him out once she is better established.

Inventory & Finance

Wynne Orlova - Woon Orbloon has the following:

To be filled in

Wynne Orlova - Woon Orbloon currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by miss_story on 06, 11 2022 at 10:06 using the Character Template Form.

In the case @@Character Owner@@ becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameWynne Orlova - Woon Orbloon
Character OwnerMiss Story
Character StatusInactive Player Character