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Seidreainne Liorghaire

Seidreainne Liorghaire is a player character played by antediluvianintransigence.1)

Seidreainne Liorghaire
Species & Gender: Random Alien
Date of Birth: 14日 6月 YE 14
Organization: N/A
Occupation: Armory Officer
Rank: N/A
Current Placement: Assisting in the discovery of new artifacts.

Physical Description

Seidreainne is a hairless alien who stands at around 7''7 and weighs 378 pounds. Her digitigrade legs ending in almost crow-like feet, sharply defined skeletal structure on her midsection, and long arms with partially webbed eight fingered hands make her appear looming though in spite of this she has a fairly dense, powerfully built form. Her kind have heads that have wider, circular foreheads and taper off towards the front in such a way that is reminiscent of eels, complete with a maw full of large pointed fangs some of which curve backwards to ensure prey can't escape once bitten. Due to the way her species' legs evolved they tend to lean forward somewhat when standing or moving which decreases their total height though it's not particularly difficult to stand up straight. She has four eyes, each one a light green/yellow with no visible pupils, with two on each side. Two of the eyes face forward, two more are a few inches behind them and give her fairly wide peripheral vision. The webbing on her hands is retractable and mostly helps with swimming. Their hands have five fingers on one end and three thicker ones on the opposite end. Her skin is a very light blue around her limbs, collarbone, neck, and her legs from the knees down but it darkens to a kind of blue-gray closer to the core of her body.

A number of cybernetic components are embedded beneath her skin, primarily assisting with increasing her stamina and reactive movement and are normally hidden from sight by her armour. Her legs are a little thicker than normal and their calves appear to have a metallic sheen covering them; in reality those are just part of implants that help increase her leg strength. However there is one particular organ that is typically forgotten as such. Namely, a “third eye” that sits under her brain within her dense skull. This organ is capable of seeing not physical matter but rather energy when it opens, allowing her to spot primarily ambient sources and was a feature her kind evolved for resource gathering, avoiding predators, and stalking prey. Hers has been enhanced by a sort of semi-organic amplification array surrounding it that enhances its range and ability to focus though shielding and obscuring energy sources physically or with some sort of disruptive or blocking mechanisms can counteract this.

There is a marking on her face, tribal in nature, that begins as a crossing over both eyes on the left side of her head. Along its length are sharp diagonally pointing scalene triangular “teeth” that are most visible around the sides of head past her eyes. It curves downwards on the side of her neck and ends in a wavey tail. It is a dark orange colour.


Seidreianne is a sociable and outgoing member of her species with a tendency for snarkiness and mockery though she bears little malice as much as an enjoyment of ribbing and verbally prodding others. There's a confidence behind her interactions that carries onto to her love of exploration and discovery, a facet of her personality that was honed from childhood and a core part of her work prior to joining the planetary military. However, the conditions that lead to her becoming a soldier honed her idealism with a dose of pragmatism and she tries to see the bigger picture when she can even if only so she can prepare herself to continue on her road to the unknown. To that extent, she welcomes those with the same enthusiasm, integrity, and dedication as herself.

Her outgoing personality hides a bitterness from having seen her people's worlds invaded and having had her personal life torn apart by it. However she rarely expresses this even with her loved ones or even inebriated. It's become so well hidden behind her somewhat prickly personality you could say it's all but fused into that part of herself. She dislikes large profit-driven groups whether they're planetary governments or corporations due to prior conflicts and that's where it shows to most people. However, she doesn't seem to like warmongers much either nor does she like authoritarian, monarchist, or most democratic politics. She doesn't seem to be fully approving of straight up anarchy either and seems to just prefer the nomadic-communal living she grew up with.

She is not a very romantic person but has had a few lovers in the past. Primarily out of adherence to norms she now grows tired of, she had seeked out her own kind though she lacks hard preference to a specific gender. However she did so not believing the relationships would last long and it is common for how to not treat lovers particularly different from how she would treat a friend.


Seidreainne's life up until her teens was fairly tumultuous, born amidst a time of immense political and social upheaval on a world that for a very, very long time in spite of its technological advancements remained very tribal in nature. She was sheltered from the worst parts of this by being born to a clan that had a fair deal of power but nonetheless found itself caught amidst the backlash of huge cross-planetary reforms. This did result in inevitable violence not just between these heavily armed nomadic groups but even within as old structures of power and forms of leadership were put to both the spear and the accelerator rifle. While she had a short stint as a conscript, she was only around for the second half of the conflict and once finished, began a career as a mix of surveyor and pest control, finding rare deposits of minerals and energy as well as dealing with dangerous wildlife.

However around this time, foreign forces that had been quietly supporting different factions of the clan wars started participating directly, using disputes over territory and mining areas as a pre-requisite for a surprise armed invasion. This would toss Seidreainne back into the violent, warfaring life she had hoped to leave behind when her world's communications were cut off and a large invasion force descended onto the planet. The career she made for herself was one of the first casualties and it was not just her profits and office space that went up in flames but many of the people she came to see as a second family. That was enough motivation for her to join a renewed sense of unity amongst the clans and take up now deadlier, far more advanced arms for an interplanetary conflict.

Usually at this point explaining her past, Seidreainne simply states that they fought hard and beat those moldy bastards back but on a few occasions, she has mentioned a third faction in the conflict. What they were exactly she purposefully ignores but it is known that it was unknown if they were friend and foe. On top of that, they were vital to the unification of all three into one. She left, she says, because the rush of war doesn't leave easy the second time. She would rather be out here, braving strange new frontiers than merely dealing with the dense politicking and bickering. Thus, she now finds herself alone or so she says in this strange new corner of the cosmos. Currently, she is an armory officer on an archaeological voyage.

Skills Learned


She has a great skill in using pole-weapons such as spears and halberds and to compliment it, is a fairly accomplished martial artist. Her kind's naturally strong legs, normally used to scale rough terrain and leap great distances, can deliver fearsome bone-crushing blows and they are no less deadly when combined with armoured boots and well trained wearers. At a distance she is no less lethal, skilled with high powered semi-automatic weaponry and a particularly accomplished markswoman especially with particle and magnetic acceleration weapons. She a decent degree of skill with single-handed projectile weaponry akin to pistols and certain submachine guns though they are secondary in importance for her.


Growing up on hilly terrain, running over vast steppes, and jumping from cliff to cliff has given her impressive endurance, coordination, and stamina. She also is an accomplished swimmer to boot. All of these skills have only improved with the two times she was in the military. When she acquired her new leg-implants, she grew to enjoy wall-running and it's a skill she enjoys practicing when she finds appropriate surfaces.

Survival and Military

As both a grunt and a member of a highly trained reconnaissance division, Seidreainne is familiar with a variety of tactics and strategies primarily being the one directly implementing them. She knows how to operate well in vast wilderness areas and to an extent some urban ones and has partaken in some fairly large battles. She shines when placed behind enemy lines with expertise in assassinating key leadership figures, sabotaging vital equipment, ambushing convoys, and disrupting secure emplacements. She also is experienced with dropping into combat zones or wilderness areas and making herself at home while preparing herself for ambushes and scouting out vital locations.


Her pre-military job often required her to use aircraft and it's a skill she built upon while in the military, becoming a talented pilot of transport and attack craft. On the ground she is primarily skilled with the usage and repair of anti-gravitational or “hover” type vehicles.


What began as a hobby later became a vital skill when dealing with the many life forms that inhabited the worlds her people controlled. Some might think of Seidreainne as a hunter but that simplifies her skills. Sometimes she simply will ward animals off using a mixture of chemical substances and specific body language or even usage of colours and other times she will observe them quietly, taking note of movement patterns, feeding preferences, and relations to other wildlife. Inevitably it means she had to develop the skills to interact with and observe these animals carefully without disturbing them which links to a few of her other skills. She did not receive a formal education but has been interacting in the field long enough to have a strong grasp regardless.


Another skill that carried over from the civilian to the military field was the usage of explosives. Originally she went from blowing apart rocks comparing reactive chemicals and volatile energy sources to using those same skills to blow apart enemy mining facilities and stalling armoured columns thinking they were traveling over safe ground. As an ex-member of the special forces, she learned a thing or two about destroying whole buildings or at least severely crippling them by knowing where to place powerful bombs to achieve maximum effect.


Seidreainne learned engineering primarily to assist with resource extraction from clans that had contracted her. Her education in this field was fairly informal and taught mostly by her superiors and it lead to a lifelong interest in creating and experimenting with new equipment or finding new ways to enhance her own. A few of her designs were later picked up by her old special forces group and before she left, they were appealing to have them replicated and enhanced as standard gear anyone sufficiently qualified could requisition.

Social Connections


She passed by the Black City a few times and met with SCUMCLEANSER before he took up a contract to help the Lorath. They argued frequently but it lead to them getting along and her having helped him assault the “infected” machines dwelling inside of it before.

Zvraciek Svreziek

She and Zvraciek had fought both against and for one another. Any further information is sparse by her choice; it appears that they mutually value one another as friends and ideological compatriots.

Maleirzwan Agdol-Vazaiyir

Another once-enemy of hers, he disliked her initially due to having killed his squadmates in the past. Years later and they've gotten over this; both their respective sides had later unified. She was actually traveling with him initially before they split up and ended up where they are now. The purpose for them having been together is still unknown.

Inventory & Finance

Damnation Winds Long Distance Engagement Rifle

A slender, sharply sleek weapon between a battle rifle and a sniper rifle in size. It has an adjustable electronic scope that can be removed and replaced with a lens-based one and a camera beneath the barrel that can be used to scan for atmospheric conditions and target information. It launches large smoothly shaped spikes with an electric acceleration system at high speeds, powerful enough to pierce some forms of cover and become a threat to lighter vehicle armour. However, for that level of output it must be modified to its sniper rifle form. In this mode, it is actually capable of combining its spike rounds together by opening up certain portions of them and then locking them together though its rate of fire slows down from as fast as one can pull the trigger to having to wait through a recharge period between each shot. There is a way to convert it to fire energy based rounds but she has not the resources for this yet.

Agriondrah Close-In Engagement System x2

A compact personal defence weapon that be wielded in one hand as well as an extendable barrel and stock for two. It spits out plasma bolts with a high rate of fire though its accuracy diminishes at longer ranges, requiring single shots or short bursts to compensate. It is capable of “charging up” a volley of shots in a tight spread at higher power output though this requires a cooldown of around five seconds. It is primarily intended for lighter to medium armoured targets with repeated shots causing targeted areas to light up and glow ominously as waste energy builds up in them before dissipating.

Heathen Intransigence Combat Spear

A lengthy bar of composite alien metals with a retractable blade tip emerging from each end. The self-repairing nonreactive metal will work itself into a razor sharp piercing point and with enough wind up, direct strikes can punch through heavy armour. This piercing power increases further when its momentary energy sheathe is activated, increasing said piercing capability though it requires time to recharge. The weapon is partially mind linked to her third eye; she can mentally command it to activate the sheath though there are manual controls for either end of it. It can also be split into two hand spears for when she needs to engage at even closer ranges. It is also capable of retracting into a smaller baton-like form.

Highland Tyrant Chreachadoir Armour

The standard issue armour for the titular division of which she was a part. This sleek, edgeless advanced armour system encases the body in a durable frame of deep blue and green powered by a series of reinforced energy cells. It is made of a relatively recently discovered sort of metal from her homeworld and combined with a specialized under-mesh that helps to network with and connect to specialized implants in her body, increasing her strength in the process. It is not truly intended for frontline combat but hers has been modified to give her a “mesh-shield” that invisibly covers it akin to a second skin. It is not particularly powerful but it can regenerate fairly quickly for a shield and with certain enhancements, can be strengthened albeit at the cost of slower regeneration. The suit has excellent optics and can even enhance the capabilities of her third eye, allowing her to detect energy sources at even further distances and with higher precision. To add to that, it can momentarily render itself invisible with a refraction field and lengthen the time she can stay unseen by siphoning energy normally used from her shields.

Star Army Fragmentation Grenade, Type 30

Smoke Grenade

Variable Plastic Explosive

A general purpose moldable ball-shaped explosive with an electronic detonator attached. Can be used as a proximity mine, remote controlled bomb, or timed explosive. Equivalent to two and a half C4 charges.

Multi-Targeting Module

These can be attached to either of her eyes or across the visor of her armour. When active, they help take the strain off of her mind when observing multiple targets and help immensely when she is dual wielding her spears or using both of her PDW's. It is not necessary for such but it is quite helpful. It also can help her track and mark additional targets as well as enhancing the chreachadoir's scanning capabilities.


A simple bag of various bits of equipment both civilian and military for repairs, maintenance, cutting, slicing, welding, and so on. She tends to put some medical supplies in there, something her superiors constantly advised against.

Seidreainne Liorghaire currently has 8800 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by antediluvianintransigence on 10, 12 2019 at 15:49 using the Character Template Form.

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Character Data
Character NameSeidreainne Liorghaire
Character StatusAdoptable Player Character
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