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Louis "Red Thunder" MacEmbrey

Louis “Red Thunder” MacEmbrey
Picture goes here
Species: Nepleslian- 1/4 ID-Sol
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 161 pounds
Bra Size: n/a
Organization: ISC Enkidu
Occupation: Freelance Bassist/Assassin
Rank: N/A
Current Placement: Muscles and General Entertainment

Voice: Captain "Soap" MacTavish (Kevin McKidd) Theme Music: David Newman - "Serenity's Theme" (Cliched, yes, I know) Battle Music: Bill Elm & Woody Jackson - "Triggernometry"

Louis "Red Thunder" MacEmbrey in Roleplay

Louis “Red Thunder” MacEmbrey (who is definitely not Jayne Cobb) is a player character played by TeslaTornado and is currently involved in the ISC Enkidu.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6 feet 2 inches Mass: 161 pounds Measurements: n/a Bra Size: n/a

Build and Skin Colour: Louis has a fair build from a short tenure in the Delsaurian Militia, with a well-shaped physique. He has lightly tanned skin.

Facial Features and Eye Colour: Louis shares the green eyes of his father and smooth, well-rounded facial features of his mother. He sports a small, soul patch-like tuft of hair beneath his lower lip, about the size of a quarter.

Hair Colour and Style: He has short, close-cropped red hair with small sideburns reaching his upper cheekbones. Also is the aforementioned soul patch.

Distinguishing Features: He has a series of scars on his palms, neck, back and chest from running farming equipment and subsequently scarring them up pretty well.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Louis is calm and level-headed, with a good sense of humor and a flair for heroic bravado. He is quick to make friends and slow to make enemies, but when he makes an enemy or a good friend it's rare that he just lets it go. He is fiercely loyal and competitive when pursuing his goals. He's a very “day-to-day” liver, liking nothing more than to kick up his feet at the end of a long day with a longneck of booze strong enough to be used as industrial solvent and let life wash over him.

He's never stricken by remorse about his previous actions, and it is unknown why. He treats killing people as just another facet of life, and doesn't hesitate at all to return fire if someone decides to shoot at him. Likewise, when it's just fists and non-lethal weapons, Louis treats it as just a friendly brawl and is more likely to lift his opponent off the ground afterwards (provided his opponent isn't too pissed) and buy him (and the other patrons) a round at the nearest bar. His love of alcohol extends out to even the most extreme of beverages, and he's often drank himself so far under the table that he has woken up with his person crusted to the floor in various bodily fluids. He never turns down a drink, except when he suspects something about the patron or the drink itself.

Likes: His bass, his friends, drinking and being around friends. Dislikes: Annoying people who insult his bass or his friends, being around aforementioned people for too long Goals: Riches, fame, and not dying in a whirlwind of death and destruction.


Family (or Creators)

Father: Ira MacEmbrey (Male Nepleslian, 44, alive)

Mother: Rhea MacEmbrey (Geshrin Female, age 43, alive)

Sister: Elizabeth “Liza” Crowley (Female Nepleslian, 16)


Born on Delsauria to a small polar farming community, Louis MacEmbrey worked hard to earn a wage as a farmer's son. However, being clumsy with the machinery led to several minor injuries and eventually he was relegated to “irrigation management”; basically a fancy terminoligy for “sitting in a hot room all day staring at an ancient computer read-out that never fails”. Eventually, boredom set in, and he quit his reasonable-paying, reasonable-hour job to do something “more exciting”.

He tried the Delsaurian Militia. He spent a short tenure in the “Desert Dogs”, a rough assortment of backwater farmers and ex-military men who had decided (wisely) to retire, fighting bandit crews and enforcing law in small settlements. Eventually, he got bored of the military lifestyle and went back to his quiet irrigation management job.

One day, he decided that the job was boring again, but instead of quitting he decided to spice things up. With a word of advice to learn an instrument, and just enough money to purchase an instrument to practice, he went out and bought a nice electric bass.

While monitoring his screen readouts, he practiced bass and eventually became good at what he did. Of course, it was around this time that the irrigation broke down irreparably and the whole colony was forced into bankruptcy. With nowhere else to go, Louis' family moved to the slums of Funky City. Despite their situation, Louis' mother and father did their best to support the growing family in the slums. Eventually he started playing with small-time bands; including the opening act for several heavy metal concerts (i.e Aethersperm).

Unfortunately, he also had to resort to small time gang violence to pay extra bills, and gained a great reputation for being a conniving and skillful assassin. Using his talents in tracking and marksmanship acquired in the “Desert Dogs”, Louis rose to the lower-middle ranks of the criminal underworld, becoming known as “Red Thunder”, because of (A) his red hair and (B) his tendency to strike suddenly and loudly. Despite his infamy in the criminal underworld, he dropped his assassin career and focused on playing bass for several band projects.

Eventually he picked up on a communication from a certain Jiyuuian rocker, clued onto him by a friend in the cargo department. The organization didn't pan out; though, and he's still looking for a job.

ISC Enkidu

His luck turned him over to the ISC Enkidu, a newly bought pirate ship under the ownership of Myr Barlowe. The down-on-his-luck bassist jumped at the chance of excitement and revenue and headed to the designated meeting place to sign up. The meeting turned out to contain quite a bit more excitement than he had bartered on when he arrived, the putrid hub of muck and evil soon turning into one massive barfight, which served as a sort-of “baptism by fire” for the assassin and the other members of the scavenger ship's new crew. Once the crew managed to escape the bar-fight and actually hit space, Louis began making himself at home.


Entertainment- Music

As mentioned before, Louis quickly picked up on bass and has learned rythym, riffs and everything else that will get him far in the business. He isn't very good at putting down his songs to paper, though, and memorizes his songs, playing them from thought instead of from practice. This makes absolutely sure that no two performances of his are exactly the same.


Growing up on the streets of Funky City, performing as a minor pickpocket and part time assassin, gave him wisdom and smarts and awakened him to the world around him (not to sound too cliche). He is very skilled at tracking and assassinating targets through use of both direct combat and various other methods.


When things went south (gang violence, bar fights, etc.) Louis quickly learned to fight effectively without a proper master or anything but an improvised weapon. He uses unorthodox methods and a very pragmatic style when facing down one or multiple opponents in melee, and in ranged combat he prefers to just close the distance as quickly as possible and start gutting.


Being an assassin, Louis has learned multiple times, often the hard way, that it is unwise to go headlong into a possibly dangerous situation without a plan, a backup plan, and backups for every backup plan after the first one. He plans meticulously, taking into account as many variables as reasonable for a human being to be able to handle, and usually comes out the other side of the tunnel with a workable, if imperfect, plan. These plans are almost always set up on a small scale; however, it is in his (and others') best interests to let someone else handle larger schemes.


Louis knows how to console and comfort those around him. When one of his friends or family members were feeling down, Louis somehow managed to happen upon them and always make them feel better. As such, he carries this skill with him everywhere. Although he doesn't show it very much, he posesses great sensitivity towards the feelings of his crew, and wants to see to it that everyone is as content as possible.


Louis can treat minor slash or bludgeon wounds. Anything serious; such as slashed innards or intense burns/bleeding can be patched up enough to hold the victim together until a more capable medic arrives.


Louis has hotwired and driven many vehicles in his time. Although he owns none himself, the assassin is proud to claim that he is a fairly competent driver. When under fire, he gets a bit hare-brained, but who wouldn't?




Louis “Red Thunder” MacEmbrey is currently in the employ of the ISC Enkidu.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS Starting Funds
Character Data
Character NameLouis "Red Thunder" MacEmbrey
Character OwnerTeslaTornado
Character StatusAdoptable Player Character
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