Table of Contents

Alien Species Generator

This is a simple method for creating a randomized alien species to use in your role:playing game. Hopefully you'll come up with something cool! You'll need one 6-sided die or the electronic equivalent.

Part one: Overall Anatomy

Species type

Roll 1D6:

  1. Exoskeletal (Including Insects, arachnids, or crustaceans)
  2. Marine (Including fish or squid)
  3. Scaled (Including lizards or amphibians)
  4. Warm:blooded (Including mammals or birds)
  5. Plant based (Mobile plants like sentient Venus fly traps, walking mushrooms.)
  6. Hybrid (Roll another two times and combine the results!)

🎲 You rolled a 3.

Body structure

Roll 1D6:

  1. Long bodied (A body mostly based around the spine, like snakes, caterpillars, centipedes or worms)
  2. Shell:backed (A large amount of natural armour, possibly segmented, Like turtles, pillbugs or armadillos)
  3. Flat bodied (Like some fish or mites. Could also include bat:like beings.)
  4. Insectoid (A separated thorax and abdomen, like most insects.)
  5. Humanoid (A boxy torso, with a conjoined abdomen and all the limbs running directly to the corners.)
  6. Rounded (A rounded body. Might have all of the limbs running from one side (like a squid or jellyfish), but not necessarily.)

🎲 You rolled a 6.

Head Type

Roll 1D6:

🎲 You rolled a 3.

Limb Types

Roll 1D6:

Number of Legs

Ignore this if it doesn't have any.

Roll 1D6:

🎲 You rolled a 3.

Number of Arms

Ignore this if it doesn't have any.

Roll 1D6:

🎲 You rolled a 4.

Creature size

Roll 1D6:

🎲 You rolled a 5.


Roll 1D6:

🎲 You rolled a 4.


Roll 1D6:

🎲 You rolled a 2.

Part two: Seek, Eat, Procreate

Vision organs

Roll 1D6:

🎲 You rolled a 1.

Rolling anything other than 3 to 5 on this chart means the creature has no eyes.

The mouth

Roll 1D6:

🎲 You rolled a 2.


Roll 1D6:

🎲 You rolled a 3.


Roll 1D6:

🎲 You rolled a 4.

Part three: Environment and Culture


The climate they are used to living in:

Roll 1D6:

  1. Extremely hot, like inside a volcano
  2. Dry and arid, like in a desert
  3. Underground
  4. Hot and humid forests
  5. In swamps, or totally underwater
  6. On or underneath an Arctic tundra

🎲 You rolled a 1.

Social structure

Roll 1D6:

  1. Pacifists, who treat each other as equals and try not to disturb the nature around them
  2. True communists, who aren't necessarily violent and at least try to treat each other equally
  3. Patriotic capitalists, who have a monetary system and a military, determined to build a better future for their race
  4. Corrupt capitalists, who lie to their own people to stay in power and generally have large militaries
  5. Monarchists, who have some kind of 'noble' kingship in place, and a big army so that it doesn't get overthrown
  6. A dictatorship or anarchists, controlled by a single person with an iron fist, that are so powerful they don't even have to lie about what they are doing

🎲 You rolled a 5.

Technology specialization

Roll 1D6:

🎲 You rolled a 3.

Example Species:

Here's an example of a species generated with the preceding tables!

…which could be shoehorned into…

β€œThe Zhll, with strange, furry, three:piece segmented bodies somewhere in between a giant furry ant and a vegetable, are a small but tough species that has a fondness for ballistic firearms: and despite their size, eight multi:use limbs means they can actually pack a lot of firepower at any one time. The freaky, mushroom:like head splits down the middle to show a mouth full of teeth, as well as a long tongue that is used to 'taste' it's way around the swamps that it inhabits. It has a great taste for meat, and is asexual so it can produce very quickly, making it a pest not to be underestimated. What government they do have is controlled from behind the scenes, tricking the easily fooled masses into doing whatever the group leaders seem necessary to keep themselves on top.”


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