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Dai Oni

Red and Blue oni are the most commonly seen1) types of Dai Oni

The Dai Oni is a new, specialized species/body primarily for Tröll and Lorrfolk introduced to the Yamatai Star Empire that began to appear in YE 40 through YE 45. The Dai Oni is designed as an alternative to the Nekovalkyrja, Minkan, and other species within Yamatai for some of its physically larger minority species that, despite not being large itself offers a male or female body and allows the two races and others to keep to the unique cultures that is inherently theirs alone without the risk of diluting it into blending into the Nekovalkyrja majority while still assimilating into smaller more appropriate bodies. The Dai Oni are known for their imposing stature, distinctive horns, and formidable strength. The Dai Oni originate from the planet Onigashima and are affiliated with the Yamatai Star Empire.


The creation of the Dai Oni species traces back to a remarkable collaboration between a private Yamatain humanitarian corporation and various communities seeking a new future. Motivated by a shared vision of coexistence and the pursuit of scientific advancement, this ambitious project received funding from yamatian government grants as well as generous contributions from other sources, including the Trolls, Lorrfolk, and other diverse groups within the star empire.

Driven by the need to address societal challenges and provide opportunities for marginalized populations, and drawing upon cutting-edge genetic engineering and biotechnological advancements years of meticulous experimentation and refinement led to the birth of the Dai Oni species. Combining genetic traits from various humanoid and non-humanoid species with its own unique DNA, the Dai Oni possessed unique characteristics that allowed them to adapt and flourish in diverse environments while adhering to strict ethical guidelines and prioritized the well-being of the individuals involved. Crowdfunding campaigns organized by the Trolls, Lorrfolk, and other supporters played a significant role in financing the project, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility amongst such minority groups to repay their contributions to the star empire they predated but chose to join.

With this, the first Dai Oni bodies were lab-grown to rapidly advance a stockpile of several million bodies to adult age before using Soul Transfer technologies to transfer adult Lorrfolk and Trolls into their new bodies. The first generation of Dai Oni chosen from the leadership of communities, tribes, and those who had already transferred into Neko bodies but now sought a more culturally significant form with their people were then educated and trained to act as ambassadors to the following generations to be transferred to better acclimate to their new forms.


The Dai Oni possess a robust and muscular but compact physique. Unlike the cookie-cutter build of most cloned or born neko, the Dai Oni have a much larger range of bodily proportions making them closer in relation to Minkin than to Neko. They have distinctively long horns protruding from their foreheads, which vary in shape and size among individuals, a wide range of skin and hair colors, and unlike most species in Yamatai have a more diverse BMI2) range to better fit the physiology and acclimate species like Trolls. The Dai Oni are known for their exceptional physical strength and endurance, allowing them to engage in formidable combat. Their natural resilience and heightened senses contribute to their overall prowess.

The Dai Oni body lacks any of the Neko or Minkan military bodies but can easily match a military-minkan in strength and speed thanks to their bodies' maximum output of their muscle fiber to better align with acclimating once powerful Lorr and Troll to smaller bodies. They are, however, not the match of a military neko except in certain outlying circumstances and lack all the powers of Neko and Minkin such as flight, healing, telepathy, gravity manipulation, and other biologically attributed powers related to some of Yamatai's more prevalent species.


Other than the Red and Blue Oni subcultures listed below there is the basic Dai Oni body for other races to transfer into or be born from naturally from any Oni. The base Dai Oni body that is not of the red-blue subcultures is akin to the average Minkan in terms of humanoid aesthetic.

Height and Weight

The Dai Oni can range in height between five to six feet in height with occasional outliers being shorter or taller, and depending on the gender and size will often weigh between ninety to one hundred and seventy-five pounds on average. Their builds are most commonly lithe or even have some body mass on them but regardless of weight always have a slight muscular overtone that may look anywhere from a fit and healthy individual even up to a typical strongman with a gut over muscle.

Gender Average Height(cm) Average Weight(kg)
Male 167-185 54-72
Female 152-160 40-55

Skin Color

Skin colors are often varied depending on the culture of Oni and also their birth parents to give their genetics to touch tone their skin color. The base body that can be transferred into not of the two subcultures can range from pale whites and tans to darker olive, brown, or grays in some cases. The only restriction is that the Red and Blue tones are often reserved for those Lorrfolk or Trolls who transfer into Dai Oni bodies to respect their culture and not show offense.

Red Oni have most often lighter shades of pinks and reds that can be as light as almost Caucasian to as deep a crimson as ruby.

Blue Oni likewise can have shades of light blues as soft as pale skin or robins egg, to as deep as saphine.

Other than these exceptions Dai Oni not of the subcultures have a wide range of basic skin colors ranging from pale caucasian to olive, tan, brown, and even to uncommon ash-gray or onyx black. But cannot have blue or red skin tones out of respect for the two cultures of Dai Oni.

Dai Oni bodies also can take Ink and similar style Tattoos and markings and lack the neko and minkan regeneration to prevent piercings which are common when not in restricted organizations like the Star Army.

Eye Color

Eye Colors are broad and varied and are not excluzive to culture. They can be simple brown-hazel-blue. Or more unique colors such as deeper sapphire, ruby, golds, purples, even snow-white, pinks, etc. They, however, lack the traits for heterochromia. Dai Oni pupils, also, often dilate wider and can take up the entire iris when expanding and when constricting can appear as thin a slit as a cats-eye.


For hair, the Dai Oni can have almost any color of hair on their heads and bodies as the rainbow allows. Pinks, blues, whites, and gold are just as common as blacks, blondes, or brunettes while their hair can be smooth, curly, matte into dreadlocks, and grow just as fast on males as it does on females allowing a full head of hair to grow within a couple of months While facial hair can grow anything from full beards to mustachios or goatees.


Dai Oni have distinctly human-like ears that are ever so slightly tapered to a barely noticeable point. They can exagerate in some cases for longer elf-like ears but not those of neko-style ears and likewise cannot/do not have anthro-style animalistic ears


Each Dai Oni, without exception, has two horns that grow just off-center of their forehead and before the temples. Each Oni' horns can be anywhere in length or size ranging from simple nubs that do not breach the skin up to foot-long curved horns that can be jagged, ribbed, or smooth. An Oni' horns can be made of calcium-like bone or covered in silk-smooth skin or even taper in color towards their tip as melanin mixes with their skin pigment to concentrate color.

While not brittle, Oni horns continue to grow and harden with age; Slowing down the growth to millimeters every year when reaching maturity, but when broken or snapped increase their growth to match the length of their opposite.

Dai Oni Cultures

The Dai Oni are broken up into two categorical subspecies-cultures that while similar in most all ways other than some aesthetic differences often denote their past and heritage depending on their previous species or that of their parents. Unlike most Yamatain species the Dai Oni body is not as inherently customizable as some other Yamatain species and unless transferred into a new body from their old Dai Oni body retains the traits they are born with.

While there are several subtypes of Dai Oni the differences are often aesthetic and more closely linked to their previous culture and species than anything and offer no actual physical advantages or disadvantages.

Blue Oni

The Blue Dai Oni is a distinct subculture within the Dai Oni species, originating from the lineage of the Trolls of Yamatai. More than the other subcultures of Dai Oni the Blue Dai Oni often display notable physical and cultural differences that set them apart from Red Dai Oni or outsiders who transfer into a Dai Oni body. While not often larger or bulkier than the other Oni the Blue Oni body relates some simplistic traits from their old bodies to help them acclimate to their newer, smaller forms and to avoid cases of body dysmorphia such as having more notable muscle mass than other Oni on the part of a very fit individual but without it being too overt.

More often than not The Blue Oni possess a striking cerulean or more blue hues to their skin ranging from a soft almost pale white tinged with sky blue to a deep sapphire, which distinguishes their troll-heritage. Their horns exhibit a vibrant azure shade, emphasizing their unique lineage. The hair of the former troll is often shades of white or light mint greens like moss or faded blues but can also be other colors less natural.

Culturally, the Blue Oni embrace a distinct set of traditions and customs. They have a deep appreciation for the martial-arts, including wrestling, kendo/swordsmanship, dancing, and sparring that originates from their progenitors. While very martial the Blue Oni are not simple-minded or dull in any way and in fact have greater mental acumen than their Troll ancestors allowing them a much greater range of mental processes that put them on par with most non-neko being that they lack a digital mind and those Dai Oni who was transferred from Trolls more often than not find greater mental clarity than in their past bodies.

The Blue Oni are known for their profound connection with nature and often reside in secluded areas, cultivating serene and harmonious environments and gardens, and are perfectly at ease simply lazing about in the beauty of nature. They have a strong affinity for spirituality and engage in intricate rituals and meditative practices, seeking enlightenment and inner balance the oldest of Blue Oni are akin to sages amongst their previous kind in both demeanor and bearing. They are known to keep totems, charms, and fetishes for things such as luck, warding, or protection which can take the form of things such as carved horns of family members, carved icons or totems from iconic parts of nature that resonate with them, smooth stones, or charms.

The Blue Oni maintain a sense of camaraderie and solidarity within their subculture. They prioritize cooperation and collaboration, valuing harmony and mutual support among their kin. They rarely form grudges when differences and disputes can be settled in simple sparring matches or discussion. Despite their unique lineage, the Blue Oni still maintain close ties with the broader Dai Oni community and participate in joint endeavors when needed. They both intermingle regularly with the other Oni races as well as broader Yamatai, but like most cultures, they can be found in the greatest numbers amongst their own. Their presence adds diversity and depth to the overall tapestry of the Dai Oni civilization, creating a fascinating contrast between the traditional crimson Oni and the enigmatic Blue Oni subculture.

Examples of Blue Oni

Blue Dai Oni neednt always have azure or saphire skin. Their skin colors can be almost caucasian or darker colors while their hairs can be any color under the rainbow3). They are simular to the Red Oni aesthetically except with obvious blue-tones.

Red Oni

The Red Oni is a subculture/subspecies within the Dai Oni, tracing their ancestry back to the demonic and monstrous-looking Lorrfolk of Hell. Drawing from the sheer intimidation of their past species and lives the Red Oni possess a formidable and intimidating presence and culture that is intense and simple but not without depth. With their crimson-hued skin and fearsome countenance, they evoke a sense of awe and trepidation when their sheer powerful personalities are invoked.

Physiologically, the Red Oni share similarities with their Dai Oni brethren, exhibiting a robust and muscular build. However, their distinguishing features are dissimilar to the Blue Oni cousins such as having more often than not skin tones that border on pale pink whites on some ends and deep almost blood-crimson-colored skins with a fiery red complexion and horns that are often jagged or much longer than the blue oni that is reminiscent of their Lorr heritage.

Culturally, the Red Oni embrace a fierce and passionate way of life and are much more individualistic and expressional than the Blue Oni. They exude an unyielding spirit and unbridled determination reflecting their Lorr heritage. Honoring the values of loyalty, courage, and honor, the Red Oni are known for their intense personalities and incredible passion. The Red Oni often show this enhanced personality compared to their old traits in their frightening Lorr bodies by baring their teeth in concerning and macabre toothy grins that once a challenge and warning to others of their kind now mixed with their passion makes the average Red Oni seem uncomfortably optimistic and quick to smile or grin.

Despite their formidable force of personality, the Red Oni is not solely defined by the instincts of their old race. They possess a sense of camaraderie and loyalty towards their kin, fostering strong bonds within their community. They hold a deep reverence for their ancestors and ancestral traditions, celebrating rituals and ceremonies to honor their heritage and past. The Red Oni also has a deep appreciation for things they once lacked and it is not uncommon for a Red Oni to dive into hobbies and passions such as artistry, music, dancing, calligraphy, or expressing their creativity through intricate craftsmanship and storytelling.

The presence of the Red Oni within the broader Dai Oni society adds a dynamic aspect to the civilization. Their fiery nature and indomitable spirit serve as a reminder of the strength and resilience that can be forged from adversity. While they are rather individualistic due to the solitary nature of the Lorr the Red Oni are social animals just waiting to be unleashed on new friends and comrades that have yet to be worn down by them.

Red Oni Examples

Like the blue oni the Red Oni lean into more red tones that can border on caucasian like pink all the way to a simular to the Blue Oni darker shades. Their horns can sometimes but not always be more jagged due to their Lorr heritage but can also be the same as other Oni as well.


Outsiders represent all those non-blue or red Dai Oni consisting of individuals who have transferred their consciousness into Dai Oni bodies and do not owe their heritage to the trolls or lorrfolk. They hail from diverse backgrounds, originating from various species within Yamatai. However, their integration into the Dai Oni society is met with a mixture of tolerance and caution from the Red and Blue Oni who are a young species.

Unlike the native Dai Oni, who are born into their forms or transferred from Troll and Lorr and inherit their cultural heritage, the Outsiders are perceived by some as pseudo impostors. Their arrival brings with it a sense of unease and uncertainty, as they embody a fusion of foreign consciousness and the physical attributes of the Dai Oni subcultures already young and trying to make their bodies their own.

The Red and Blue Oni, while generally tolerant of Outsider' presence, maintain a guarded stance towards them. They view the Outsiders as individuals who have not fully grasped the weight of Dai Oni traditions and customs, often perceiving them as children eager to experiment with their newfound forms and identities and likely to change again should something else new appear. This perception can lead to a certain level of mistrust and a perceived lack of commitment to the cultural heritage that the native Dai Oni holds dear.

The relationship between the Outsiders and the Red and Blue Oni is a complex dynamic that evolves over time. Some Outsiders are able to bridge the gap, demonstrating a genuine appreciation for Dai Oni traditions and actively working towards understanding and respecting their cultural significance, some are spouses of Troll or Lorr, or descendants who join their families in body as well as commitment. These individuals may find acceptance and even integration within the Dai Oni society, gradually earning the trust and camaraderie of their peers.

Others, however, struggle to navigate the intricacies of Dai Oni culture, inadvertently perpetuating the perception of them as superficial or insensitive to the profound traditions they now inhabit. Such Outsiders may face challenges in fully integrating into Dai Oni communities, encountering skepticism and a degree of isolation as they attempt to find their place within this complex society.

Despite the challenges, the presence of Outsiders adds a layer of diversity and fresh perspectives to the Dai Oni civilization. While the native Dai Oni may not readily embrace them, the Outsiders have the opportunity to learn and grow, becoming bridges between different worlds and fostering a greater understanding between cultures and keeping the Dai Oni from slipping into cultural isolation and keeping them connected to Yamatais other cultures and customs through osmosis and diversity.

Examples of Outsider Oni

Outsider Oni do not have blue or red colored skin but are more normal shades of caucasian, tans, and darker skin tones. They can have the same hair colors and horns as blue or red oni, however.4)


The Dai Oni are omnivorous, consuming both meat and plant-based foods. Their diet consists of a mixed diet of heavy proteins and grains-starches. While they have a preference for hearty meals, their dietary requirements are not significantly different from baseline Yamatains with the exception that the Dai Oni has an adapted taste and appreciation for alcohols in their new bodies while retaining a high tolerance for fermented beverages as well to the point that drinking is a Dai Oni' preferred means of celebration.


See: Onigashima (Planet) for more info.

Onigashima, the new homeworld of the Dai Oni, has a diverse climate with regions ranging from lush forests to volcanic landscapes but is for the most part a simple an idyllic breadbasket world of lush, rolling plains ranging into foothills and the occasional mountain range and is not overly populated enough to warrant too-massive cities allowing most of the population to live in smaller settlements in preserved-like areas resembling a pre-industrialized Geshrintal allowing for large forests and entire swathes of continents to go unpopulated. The architecture of their settlements reflects a blend of traditional Yamatain influences with futuristic designs. The Dai Oni embrace a communal lifestyle, with close-knit communities that emphasize honor, discipline, and mutual support.

Life Cycle

Dai Oni reach adult maturity within five years of being born

The average natural lifespan of a Dai Oni is approximately 150 years. However, due to advancements in medical technology and access to rejuvenation treatments, the civilized lifespan can extend beyond 200 years.

As most Dai Oni are transferred into their bodies from others their lifespan is hypothetical but optimistic. For those born to their bodies, however, the Dai Oni reach Physical maturity within 5-years. Over that time following birth a year of infancy, a Dai newborn is practically shovel-fed by their parents as their bodies rapidly develop and burn calories; An Oni infant is woefully undeveloped enough to not feel much growth pains. By the end of their first year, a Dai Oni will resemble a nine-year-old child and will retain roughly as much intelligence.

Into their second and third years, an Oni child's growth will slow as their body begins to develop more mentally. This time in a growing Oni' life will shape them formatively as they learn and take in new experiences and schooling in the most part to develop their sense of morals, ideology, and overall experience.

Into their fourth and final year before physical and mental maturity, a Dai Oni will enter a phase of puberty where, resembling a middle-teenager their body will begin delivering the hormones needed to grow their body further and subject them to all the ups and downs. In this period of their life, they will usually be guided to maturity under the guidance of their parents or the state and ensured they understand the full adult consequences of their growing body and how it works. Close to the end of their fourth year, their hormones will equalize and they will begin to resemble a young adult resembling just under eighteen years old in appearance.

Upon Reaching five years old their bodies will begin to slow their growth again and retain a youthful early to mid-twenties look for most of their lives with some exceptions as all individuals age externally at different rates; It is said that a Dai Oni' soul will determine their physical age as experienced and well-traveled Dai Oni appear older to show their wisdom and veterancy to their kind and clans.

Compatability With Other Species

Dai Oni are biologically compatible with most if not all baseline Yamatain species by default and, in turn, biologically compatible with those other species outside the Star Empire who are compatible with those.

When conceiving of child a female-Dai Oni retains a pregnancy period of roughly five to six months normally. Being the dominant genetic donor to the creation of a newborn child or children the species rate of Oni to Non-Oni is roughly a seventy-five percent chance that the newborn will be a genetical-majority Dai Oni. Any child born of a Dai Oni female will retain the same five-year growth period as their hard-coded genes guide their growth even if the child does not take on the dominant Oni traits or genetics.

Children conceived of a male Dai Oni and a foreign female are entirely dependent on one of the parent's dominant genetics and may be born between five to nine months depending on the species and take anywhere from five to sixteen years to grow to physical and mental maturity due to the genetics of the parents. The child will also have a completely dependent chance on Oni Characteristics depending on dominant genes but will be genetically stable.

Compatability With Neko

Dai Oni either male or female are entirely genetically compatible with the Nekovalkyrja species. However Neko-conceived children are neither hybrids of either species but like most neko are entirely dominant on the neko bio-gene and will create absolute pureblood Nekovalkyrja with no Oni traits whatsoever and are well within the normal gestation and birth times of all neko-born daughters.

Dai Oni females who through one means or another manage to become pregnant from Neko are the opposite and are not biologically coded to produce nekovalkyrja genes and will bear a pure-strain Dai Oni son or daughter from their own genetic stockpile with the Neko acting as surrogate biomass donor and genetic kickstart to form the child embryo formation while the mothers body takes over the process from there.


The culture of the Dai Oni is deeply rooted in traditions and customs passed down from the Lorr and the Trolls of Yamatai with newcomers transferring in from different races even adopting it as the Troll and Lorrfolk integrate slowly into new forms to better fit into a growing Yamatai. They celebrate various holidays, such as the Festival of Horns, where they pay homage to their ancestors and showcase their combat skills in tournaments of martial prowess and festivals, The Festival of Fights where disputes are settled within communities often physically followed by dancing and drinking, and the Festival of Vows where once-yearly marriages and bonds are established.

Gender roles among the Dai Oni are not strictly defined, with individuals being judged based on their abilities rather than their gender. Being a Yamatain species and culture females are socially on the same level as males. Those of indeterminate gender such as any androgynous or identifying of different genders are not rare as Troll and Lorrfolk find new ways to express their individuality through such new concepts not abundant in their old bodies Dai Oni can identify as either gender or in between with no noticeable social stigma but should not expect their peers to know their identity at a glance. Athletics, particularly combat sports, hold a prominent place in their culture, and entertainment often includes storytelling, music, plays, and martial arts performances.


In everyday life, Dai Oni wears practical and comfortable attire suited for their physical activities. This typically includes loose-fitting garments made from durable and breathable fabrics that are looser than they are form-fitting due to the often larger feeling most Dai Oni have from their previous bodies seeing loose-fitting traditional Yamatain robes being in peak fashion. In formal or ceremonial settings, they don ornate robes adorned with intricate patterns and symbols; With the highest of Dai Oni fashion being the more intricate robes and the stories they tell printed on them like great tapestries of history and art blended together and wrapped around them.

For males and females alike, Kimono-style robes are found the be the norm with men often preferring Nagagi and occasionally a Haori overrobe and females preferring more intricate Kimono with both genders preferring the loose-fitting and breathable nature of the clothing. It is, however, not uncommon for male and female Dai Oni to also dress as they please and, lacking much of the social taboo of other races and being in a very inclusive Yamatai a Dai Oni would never so much as scoff or even think twice if a male dressed more femininely or a female dressed overly masculine.

Underclothes/underwear are also prevalent in Dai Oni clothing with males wearing briefs or boxes, and women either wearing bras/panties or wrappings depending on their preference.

Horn Decorations

Dai Oni is well known to decorate its horns in many different fashions. Rings, bands, and piercings drilled through them are all common as painting their horns with colors or patterns like stars, waves, swirls, or clouds. Likewise, it is not uncommon fashion to wear cloth like bands of silk or other materials around one or more horn like a wrapping, scarf, or resembling a wristband and some Dai Oni even take a step further and cast various metal bands around one or more of their horns like a semi-permanent large ring.


Dai Oni names often reflect their cultural heritage and personal traits. They frequently combine powerful-sounding syllables, emphasizing strength and honor. Players can create their own character names by combining suitable syllables or drawing inspiration From either eastern-sounding traditional yamatain east-asian sounding names or just as common Nordic-Norse sounding names and titles.

As such it is not uncommon for Dai Oni to not have traditional or any Surname but more a clan name shared by many families as few Lorr or Trolls had over many surnames like traditional Yamatains.


The political organization of the Dai Oni is based on a hierarchical system with a centralized government under that of the Yamatain government.

The Oni Dominion of Onigashima is overseen officially by the Department of Colonization and the council of Jarls5) consisting of the most experienced and influential Dai Oni. The position of Chief is one currently vacant but recognized by a meritocracy-style vote of the most accomplished of their kind but is also more of a figurehead position as greater affairs are left to a council. The council makes important decisions regarding territorial expansion, defense, and internal affairs. Local regions have governors appointed by the council, ensuring a balance between centralized control and regional autonomy. The Oni are not independent or vassalized in any way and are a planetary government and race fully incorporated into the Yamatai Star Empire for which they are a willing and loyal member state.

The Dai Oni view Yamatai whole as a great renaissance bringing to them from the times of Empress Yui freeing Hell from the Elysians and keeping both the Troll and Lorr safe and well cared for in many wars. The more notable leaders of the Star Empire are viewed in almost religious candor but as subjects of worship but instead great war leaders and inspiration to Dai Oni for which many of them wish to surpass as great but surely reachable peaks to be scaled.

For less broad politicking the Dai Oni are ill-content with the goings on in the sector and despite not being overly warlike compared to any of culture within Yamatai seek to cut their teeth against the many challenges of the Kikyo Sector be it militarily or by supporting greater Yamatai.


As for military might the Dai Oni have only a simplistic Defense force and an expeditionary force or at most a handful of small and light-class ships and rely on greater Yamatai for any major security concerns They do however have a substantial military-age and willing population with most of-age Dai Oni participating in training or their planetary defense forces if not outright enlisting in the Star Army or Rikkugun.

Due to their horns, however, wearing powered armor often requires the use of custom equipment and headgear for which the Dai Oni have been known to procure, produce, or even pay for outright their young as a gift when enlisting.6)

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2023/06/23 07:42.

Approved by wes here

Dai Oni come in more than just red and blue colors
body mass index
ill add more non-dark hair colors later. Ran out of MJ credits - Char
will add male versions later when I get more MJ credits - Char
Nobility Equivalent title
Just say theirs a mindy with long horn-scabbards, it's well within yamatai's ability to do so or allow Onigashima to produce such a thing.

species/dai_oni.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/20 18:22 by