
Essia Occupation

Essia Occupation is a roleplaying plot created June 19, 2018 by GM Soban.

Status: This plot is currently open for any approved character to join.

Plot Overview

Covering the Occupation of Essia from several different angles.

Rules and Pacing

  • Format: JPs and Forum Threads
  • Pacing and posting expectations: Posts are primarily JPs with Soban.
  • RPG Rating: 2L 2S 3V

Characters and Players

Player Character
Primitive Polygon

Open Positions

  • Freedom Fighter: A common person who is fed up with the Kuvexian invasion and wants to do something about it.
  • Neko: A Neko who was left/stayed behind during the evacuation of Essia.
  • Something else: Perhaps you are a trader or someone on vacation when the Kuvexians invaded. The important thing is that you want to do something about it.


plots/essia_occupation.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/20 18:22 by