
Styrling Malthe Armor

The Malthe armor - first manufactured by Styrling Vervaardiging in YE 40 - is a custom armorset used by the National Police Force of Nepleslia for its service animals in the field, primarily the Gunhund.

Nomenclature Information

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Armor (Light/Medium): Tier 1/Tier 2, Light Personnel/Medium Personnel


The Malthe armor was commissioned by the NPF in YE 39 for use by the NPF's various service animals, mainly the increasing amount of Gunhunds finding their way into service within the NPF when retiring NSMC, NSN, or other military personnel issued Gunhunds as service animals to adapt to civilian life found their service animals in a high risk of injury or outright death when caught in the crossfire between officers and criminals on the streets.

Styrling was approached with these concerns and commissioned for an adaptive protective armor for use in a variety of configurations. Styrling came back with the Malthe, which after trials and testing entered production in YE 40 alongside a variety of other equipment commissioned for a refitting of the NPF.


The Malthe consists of two configurations: Light, and Medium.

The light configuration consists of a specialized harness from which several custom-molded ballistic plates - made from lightweight ceramics that conform to the shape of certain animals - cover the flanks, back of the neck, sides, back, and rear of the animal with protective plates resistant to various small arms. The plates are lightweight enough not to hinder the animal or its movement.

The medium configuration adds to the former thicker ballistic plates on the flanks, back, legs, and (most importantly) chest, allowing the animal to charge and take-down a suspect or individual - as its strongest armor takes the brunt of any fire received while charging at the aforementioned target.

The plates on the neck are made to fold and conform to the animal's posture, allowing them to link and fold over the animal's head - thus creating a semblance of protection over its wearer's face and head. When the animal charges or lunges, the plates retract in order to not hinder biting or thrashing.

On the back of the animal is a small GPS beacon and forward-facing camera - linked to the precinct's Savtech JANE - that can be remotely viewed from a command center or HUD. This allows officers to see what the animal can see from an almost third-person perspective and ensures that the animal can always be located and never lost.

On top of all this are two pouches on the armor's back - located near the camera mentioned earlier - that act similar to the movement restriction grenades commonly used by the NPF and other groups. They can be remotely detonated, engulfing the proximity of the animal in a restricting, hardening foam that subdues multiple personnel.


The Malthe is first installed with a custom harness from which the main lightweight armor is attached via several links and hardpoints. From there, nodes and links upon the first set of armor allow for the medium plates and ceramics to be attached; finally, the GPS, Camera, and movement restriction pouches are installed on the armor's “spine” via pre-installed hardpoints.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2018/08/19 13:37; approved it (using the checklist) on on 2018/08/19 20:42.

corp/styrling/styrling_malthe_armor.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:58 (external edit)