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The Starbryte is a small shuttle which was designed as an upscale replacement of the old Onset Shuttle by Origin in YE 34.

About the Ship

The Starbryte is Origin's more upscale shuttle offering, supplanting the cheap and easy Onset, though not completely replacing it. More functionally designed and more efficient, the Starbryte is a larger alternative to common Yamataian shuttles, or a smaller alternative to the enormous Nepleslian shuttle types.

Key Features

  • Medium Size
  • Decent speed
  • Decent capacity
  • Flexible use

Mission Specialization

The Starbryte generalized rather than specialized, meant to be used for anything and everything, from carrying cargo, to passengers, to being used as living space; anything a user can think to do with an empty box that has engines strapped to it.


The Starbryte is a rotund looking shuttle, made of a rounded square tube, which has stubby wings attached near the bottom, closer to the rear of the hull than to the front. There are large main engine pods attached to either side of the hull, and the shape is rounded off at the front with the rounded wedge-shaped cockpit. The L version looks the same, but with an elongated cockpit section. Just rear of the cockpit, on either side, is a hexagonal airlock module which can be used to dock with ships, and also to allow passage from inside the shuttle to the outside.

L Model

History and Background

The Starbryte was designed in response to the treatment of the Onset shuttle- The older shuttle, while useful, was so cheaply made and sparsely furnished that it was usually discarded from ships in which it came provided, and replaced by something nicer, usually of Yamataian design. While this did flood the market with incredibly cheap, barely used shuttles, it also caused a problem of Origin-made ships being used with non-Origin shuttles.

The Starbryte, in response to this, is a nicer, more upscale vehicle that was just as useful, and more desirable than its predecessor. While not quite as simple, the Starbryte is just as rugged, and is considerably faster, meaning it can get the same things done, much more quickly.

Statistics and Performance



  • Crew: 3. Pilot, Copilot, Attendant.
  • Maximum Capacity: 85



A model
  • Length: 10.5 meters
  • Width: 7.5 meters
  • Height: 3.0 meters 1)
L model
  • Unordered List ItemLength: 12.5 meters


A model
  • Length: 9 meters
  • Width: 3 meters
  • Height: 2.5 meters
L model

Length: 10 meters

  • Unordered List Item

Propulsion and Range

  • Hyperspace Fold Drive: .5 ly/min
  • Sublight Engines: .4c
  • In Atmosphere: 2900 KM/h 2)
  • Range: Up to two months of fuel
  • Lifespan: 50 years
  • Refit Cycle: Yearly

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Tier 6 (Heavy Armor)

Inside the Ship

Compartment Layout

A Model

The Starbryte A model is the cheaper, more efficiently designed shuttle of the two. Slightly smaller with a more compact cockpit, it has been designed with functionality over form in mind.


The A model's cockpit is a simple two-seat configuration, openly connected to the cargo area in the back. Both seats contain fully functional controls and are equally capable of commanding the shuttle.

L Model

The L or Luxury model of the Starbryte is somewhat longer, and more expensive, because it has much better accommodations.


The L Model's cockpit is extended, giving it room for five seats; two pilot's stations placed forward and three passenger seats in a row abreast behind the two pilot's chairs.

Cargo Storage Areas

The rear of the Starbryte is a large, open space, which is configurable for different purposes. The floor is covered in attachment points so that items may be secured easily to the floor.

Passenger Seating

The attachment points in the cargo area also double duty as anchors for seating. Several types of seating are available. Basic benches, airline-style seats, and large, comfortable chairs can be used.

Seat Type # of passengers Price
Basic Benches 80 (cramped) 400 KS
Airline Seats 48 (comfortable) 1,000 KS
Luxury Chairs 25 (Very Comfortable) 2,500 KS
L Model

The L model comes furnished with luxury chairs, more upscale finished paneling on the walls, and a kitchenette.


There is a compact lavatory which has been installed into the right-hand wall of the cargo compartment. This Lavatory is accessed by pulling out a panel, which folds out to become a compact privacy wall and door. This action simultaneously unfolds the small toilet from the wall. When finished using the lavatory, pushing the toilet in with a foot causes the sink to protrude from the wall so it may be used. To close the wall, push the sink into the wall, then fold the door to the privacy wall, and close the privacy wall as if it were a door.

Ship Systems

Airlock Doors

There are three airlock doors on the Starbryte, the two passenger-sized doors near the cockpit, and the one large cargo/boarding ramp at the rear.

Cargo/Boarding Ramp

Located at the rear of the craft, a cargo/boarding ramp allows for the loading and unloading of cargo and passengers to the rear. The surface of the ramp has excellent grip, and the angle it sits at is very shallow, making it easy to move people and objects up and down it.

Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The Starbryte is comprised mainly of Durandium Alloy, including the hull, the structure, and even the cockpit window, which is made of transparent Durandium. On the underside of the hull is a retractable undercarriage which contains landing gear for landing on planets.

Computers and Electronics

The Starbryte sports a Destiny AI Pawn Suite, which is built into the main structural hoop that surrounds the cockpit. The Pawn suite is a single unit that can be easily swapped out for repairs or replacement.

Emergency Systems

  • There is a fire suppression system built into the ship which can help during an on-board fire

Life Support Systems

Environmental recycling system The ERS is just a simple yet effective filtration system, which filters water and air, purifying it so it may be reused. Filters must be replaced after 5 years of continuous operation.

AC system A simple climate control system, it allows for the cabin to be kept at a specific temperature. Controls are located in the cockpit.

Unidirectional Gravitational Plating: Plating on the roof emits a pseudo-gravitational field that is attracted to the plates on the floor pushing everything on the ship 'down'. This creates the false sense of gravity that permeates the craft.


Hyperspace Fold Drive: The Starbryte uses a standard Fold Drive.

STL Propulsion: The Starbryte uses a fusion plasma thruster system, with several nozzles all over the ship. The main nozzles point backward, and are exposed, while the rest of the nozzles are kept under pop-up panels. The auxiliary nozzles provide directional control in vacuum, as well as assist the craft in STOL and, in low gravity, VTOL operations.


The Starbryte uses a HONEY SLAM to provide power and propulsion. The reactor is built into the underbelly and wing roots of the craft, and its fuel supplies are housed within the wings. The Starbryte has a double-capacity fuel system, allowing it two months of normal operations without the need to refuel.


The Starbryte is equipped with standard navigational shield systems, which are enough to protect the shuttle from most small debris and other dangers present in space.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2012/10/11 21:36 by Kai and was approved by Wes at 2012/10/12 16:59.

Updated for Damage Rating (Version 3) by Yuuki.

Landing gear makes the craft sit at approximately 3.2 meters
805 m/s

corp/origin/starbryte.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:58 (external edit)