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tantou_above.png (400×300 2023/12/21 05:04 235.6 KB)
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:faction:yamatai:motoyoshi_fleet_yards:tantou:tantou_above.png}}
tantou_aft.png (367×204 2023/12/21 05:04 141.7 KB)
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:faction:yamatai:motoyoshi_fleet_yards:tantou:tantou_aft.png}}
tantou_bottom.png (400×300 2023/12/21 05:04 246.2 KB)
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:faction:yamatai:motoyoshi_fleet_yards:tantou:tantou_bottom.png}}
tantou_bow.png (371×191 2023/12/21 05:04 141.4 KB)
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:faction:yamatai:motoyoshi_fleet_yards:tantou:tantou_bow.png}}
tantou_port.png (378×158 2023/12/21 05:04 127.6 KB)
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:faction:yamatai:motoyoshi_fleet_yards:tantou:tantou_port.png}}
tantou_starboard.png (375×158 2023/12/21 05:04 127.8 KB)
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:faction:yamatai:motoyoshi_fleet_yards:tantou:tantou_starboard.png}}
tantou_top.png (400×300 2023/12/21 05:04 256.5 KB)
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:faction:yamatai:motoyoshi_fleet_yards:tantou:tantou_top.png}}