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Home to 4.52 billion lifeforms, Ehl is a chilly terrestrial planet located within the qiangyin system. It is presently under the control of the Ehlen.

More about the Planet

Ehl is a chilly planet with an average temperature of 6.85 Celsius (44.33 Fahrenheit), covered 60% by water. Temperate forests and rainforests dominate the majority of the planet's landmasses outside of the equator and polar regions. At the equator, tropical rainforests (seasonal and non-seasonal) can be found. Grasslands, cold deserts, and boreal forests biomes are found in higher altitudes or latitudes.


Ehl has a diverse ecosystem of flora and fauna. Life on the planet has had to adjust to a unique plankton that uses photosynthesis to break down salts, store the sodium, and expel the chlorine as a biowaste. Other microbes eat and convert their waste, but the excess chlorine will interact with water vapor and create weak hydrochloric rain.

Microbes in the soil convert the hydrochloric acid into chloride. The acid is also filtered by planets and the remaining amount eventually finds its way into the oceans. Though pools of concentrated acid do occur in low lying lands, devoid of most life save for the most extreme of microbes.

Most life on the planet has adapted to the presence of chlorine in the air by either creating a mucus layer (largely worms) or creating a natural polymer in many forms such as bark and the guard hair of fur. More advanced lifeforms on the planet use special microbes to help break down this polymer in the food they eat. It is strongly suggested for visitors to wear protective clothing and masks when outside of filtered facilities.

The planet rotates retrograde, which means every 9.5 hours planet's star rises from the west and sets to the east.


The capital of Ehl is the massive Ehlen city fortress Xijing (meaning Western Capital). Despite its defensive nature, the city is surprisingly cosmopolitan with the majority of aliens living within its labyrinth of walls. The rest of the planet's population lives in smaller cities, towns, and villages located within Clan territories. The strength and prestige of a clan determine how large its territory is due to historic wars.


Currently 4.5 billion Ehlen live on Ehl. An additional 20 million aliens of various species (such as Kuvexians) live on the planet in various enclaves.

OOC Notes

demibear created this article on 2020/12/08 19:24.

Approval Thread

planet/ehl.1609484586.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:24 (external edit)