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Cherry Blossom Necklace

The Cherry Blossom Necklace is a jewelry type item used by the Yamatai Star Empire, and independent groups beginning in YE 45.

Additional Info

Here is a list of additional info as part of the Necklace.


The Cherry Blossom Necklace costs 141.30 KS and is available from Yugumo Corporation Stores and Kiosks.


The Cherry Blossom Necklace was created during the Hanami Festival of YE 45 when Asakura Yuri had been able to attend for the very first time. Luna, her cousin, wanted to get her cousin a memento of her time and the fun the two of them had, so she secretly asked her mother and aunt for assistance in getting this necklace made and they were only too happy to help.

The necklace was presented to Yuri, who loved it! At the conclusion of the festival, they met with a Yugumo Android to send the designs so that more could be made. Over time, the design changed very little, other than in terms of coloring. Though later recreations are to be made with more materials with no cherry blossom core.


The Cherry Blossom Necklace is a necklace made out of loose fallen Cherry blossoms petals, which were encased in a special kind of Epoxy Resin which was transparent to allow for the visual appearance of the petals. The loose coated cherry blossoms are spread in a thin chain that has the feel of the blossoms only lightly to prevent discomfort. Around the front is a circle made out of the cherry blossom petals and made to look like the flower itself.


As a transparent material, the colors are typically white, though pinks in various hues of the color can also be made. Later recreations of the necklace can be made in varying colors.


As a necklace the Cherry Blossom Necklace is a jewelry typically worn in formal settings by civilians. Unfortunately, due to the rules that govern the Star Army Uniform dress policy, the Cherry Blossom Necklace cannot be worn while on duty or on certain functions unless allowed. Based entirely on the name, the Cherry Blossom Necklace is usually worn around the neck.


To Clean the necklace, please follow these basic instructions 1)

  • Step 1 fill a bowl or dish with lukewarm water, and add a few drops of mild dish soap. Then soak the jewelry in the mixture for a few minutes to allow the soapy solution to lift off any dirt.
  • Step 2 Next, remove and gently buff away dirt and residue with a toothbrush. Another tip is to use a toothpick to dislodge any dirt trapped in awkward spots.
  • Step 3 Finally, rinse and pat the jewelry dry with a soft, lint-free cloth, and allow jewelry to air dry completely before wearing or storing away.

OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2023/05/13 16:40.

This article was approved by Andrew on 2023/08/262). FM Approval also from Andrew.

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesclothing
Product NameCherry Blossom Necklace
ManufacturerYugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45
Price (KS)141.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 0
Approval ThreadLink
instructions were googled, for typical jewelry cleaning techniques, though I chose the basic one

items/clothing/cherry_blossom_necklace.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/12/08 01:55 by andrew