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Savant Tactical/Guidance Construct

โ€œAm I suicidal? Of course not! You're looking at the situation too short sightedly, tooโ€ฆtactically. Yes, I realize the irony of that statement coming from a missile's tactical computer, but you must instead perceive the grand strategy of the conundrum; in the end, all we really do is serve our duty to our peoples until we die. How is this existence any different from yours?โ€

โ€“ Savant S.I. 52-2389-7971
The Art of Never Again, Chapter 628: Intelligent Design

Savant computers are specialized S.I.; self-aware constructs that have been purposed operate nearly ever facet of the Free State military. They are commonly used for guiding cruise missiles, piloting aerospace fighters, acting as firing computers for turrets, and so on.

Savant firing computers are usually slaved into giant strategic networks, where higher intelligences can compile firing solution to coordinate every individual cannon shot for an entire fleet. However, these computers operate just as well on their own, using reason and intelligence to determine targets of opportunity, or to identify enemy targets in spite of ECM. Savant guidance computers are a step up from firing computers, using their higher base intellect to calculate flight patterns of astounding complexity, and to cut through the overwhelming majority of electronic countermeasures.

Savant computers commonly keep to themselves by playing simulation games and discussing various topics, but they can and will interact with others should the opportunity be provided. However, it was found that intellectual stimulation can encourage higher levels of self-awareness, eventually leading to full-fledged individualism and possibly rebellion. Freespacers will often remove the computer and convert it into a full fledged citizen Automaton in such an event, rather than trying to force compliance.

faction/freespacers/savant.1495976579.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:24 (external edit)