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Iris Series Android

The Iris Series Android, developed jointly by Ryu Keiretsu and Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing (NRM), is a versatile, human-like android designed for general-purpose use with extensive customization options. Introduced in YE 46, it can serve in roles ranging from combat to caregiving. The Iris prioritizes seamless integration into human settings with its realistic exterior, lifelike movements, and optional components to replicate human behaviors and appearances.

Year Introduced YE 46
Class/Nomenclature RHI-J1-1A
Alternative Nomenclature NRM-J5
Designers Ryu Heavy Industries, Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing
Manufacturer Ryu Heavy Industries, Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing
Fielded By Ryu Keiretsu, Nepleslian Reds
Lifespan 50 years estimated with regular maintenance, major overhauls every 10 years
Lifespan Mass Production, any fabricator with a limited or permanent blueprint
Pricing 15,000 KS

About the Iris Series Android

The Iris Series Android represents a milestone for Ryu Keiretsu in android development, bridging the gap between utility and human-like realism. Developed collaboratively by Ryu Keiretsu and Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing, it is designed to fulfill a wide range of roles, from industrial labor and combat support to caregiving and personal companionship. By integrating advanced biomechanical cybernetic systems, modular components, and customizable features, the Iris Series Android marks a shift for NRM towards more human-centric androids, capable of both specialized tasks and intuitive social interactions.


Markedly different from its more mechanical-looking predecessors like the "Jimmy" and "Steve" series, the Iris Android is designed to closely resemble the human form. When its skin matrix is activated, the Iris Android presents a remarkably human appearance, complete with two arms, two legs, and human-like fingers. A notable feature is its unique set of fingerprints, which serve a dual purpose of identification and storage of personal information. The androids are designed with gender-specific features; both gender models have nipples that appear only when the skin is activated and include molded aerogel under the inner skin layer to simulate the proper gender's physique. They also have a designated space in the groin area for the installation of artificial sexual organs, which are normally concealed by skin and panels.

In scenarios where the outer skin is damaged or deactivated, the Iris reveals its inner layer, resembling a person clad in a skintight black and grey bodysuit. Any installed sexual organs also match this layer, maintaining a cohesive aesthetic. This dual-layer design not only adds to the android's realism but also provides practical benefits in terms of repair and maintenance.


Where the Lily Type Artificial Nepleslian is the organic product to Ryu Keiretsu's and the RaiNE OS/DaphNE Operating Systems the product of Project Orchid, the NRM-Iris is the result of RHI's Project Iris. Like Advancer Enterprises, Ryu Heavy Industries decided to partner with Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing to develop an advanced android that could act in many roles from combat soldiers to nanny. NRM, compared to cloning, was initially a bit hesitant to offer their robotics support. But they eventually were won over when reminded of their financial situation as well as envy over the Yorna and Ni-Aria bodies.

Using the Ze-J2 "Steve" Combat Robot as a base model, NRM set out to change out the design of the Iris series of android with Ryu Keiretsu (namely from Advancer) components. Being given more human based nanomuscles and biomechanical systems, the slow pace of converting the robot into a proper android capable of fooling untrained eyes allowed Advancer's Lily Type Artificial Nepleslians to finish first in the race to determine the source of the Keiretsu's workforce. Though an opportunity presented itself that prevented the Iris from being mothballed in the form of Yugumo Corporation ending their KAIMON/Ascendant Consort production line.

Components of the Iris were used in the creation of the Moltek: The Biomechanical Mole Drone.

Systems and Components

The Iris is designed to be modular with the use of cybernetic components within an android chassis, making replacement of damaged parts and upgrades easy. But do to this design choice, the Iris lacks the armor of more dedicated combat droid Ze-J2 "Steve" Combat Robot. This was deemed acceptable given its intended to be a multipurpose android. Should additional armor be required, the Iris can wear anything a humanoid is capable of wearing.

  • Damage Capacity: Tier 1

With an infomorph, the android can also be used as a replacement of an organic body as a full prosthetic body.

Skeletal Structure

The skeletal structure of the Iris Android is a dynamic framework integral to its overall functionality. Built from a titanium based Durandium Alloy nanocomposite, the skeleton is designed to balance strength and flexibility. Its durability is similar to that of human bones, while the framework also serves as a platform for advanced features. The bones house nanite hives, essential for self-maintenance and producing its blood substitute.

The use of soft plastic similar to cartilage enhances the android's fluidity of movement. This ensures that joints are not only durable but also capable of a wider range of smooth, human-like motions. Within the torso, a polymer-based gel secures internal components, absorbs shocks, and plays a critical role in distributing the android's optic nervous system and artificial blood vessels.

Customization options include modifying the skeletal structure to adjust the android's height (standard: 160cm) and weight (standard: 60kg). These modifications allow clients to tailor the android's size to fit specialized environments or roles, such as household assistance or industrial labor.

Component Name Function
J5-S441X Bone
J5-S442X Joints
J5-S443X Internal Insert

Muscular System

The Iris Android's muscular system uses electro-active gold-plated nanocomposites encased in a protective polymer. Powered by embedded nanite mitochondria and nerve relays, the muscles provide both strength and control superior to that of humans.

Standard models can easily lift up to 100kg, which is valuable in scenarios requiring physical strength, such as loading cargo or moving heavy machinery. Specialized variants are available for more demanding tasks, enhancing both muscle density and force. For example, some Iris models are modified to serve in search-and-rescue operations, where additional power is necessary to lift debris or assist in emergency situations.

The modular muscle system allows the Iris Android to balance power with the dexterity required for delicate or high-strength operations. This adaptability is critical for making the Iris effective in roles ranging from caregiving, where gentle handling is required, to industrial applications involving heavy lifting. Additionally, the muscular structure allows for easy integration with cybernetic limbs, providing even further customization to meet mission-specific requirements.

Component Name Function
J5-M441X Nanomuscle

Neural System

The neural system is the central hub of the Iris Android, mirroring the complexity of the human brain and central nervous system. The AI core, housed between the shoulder blades for protection, enables processing, learning, and decision-making. This core is also compatible with OLIVIA AI and digital constructs stored on the RHI Kamasu Data Chip.

Depending on the AI software, the Iris can range from having a human-like sapience/sentient intelligence capable of advanced decision-making to a more basic sentient (but lacking self-awareness) AI performing simple operations. To make a distinction between the two, the human-sapient androids are designated as 'Iris Series Androids', while the more robotic versions are designated as 'Iris Series Dolls'. 

The nanite nervous relays operate by using nanoscale clusters to transmit electrical signals across the android's body with extreme efficiency and minimal delay. These relays enhance the speed of signal transmission, allowing the android to react almost instantaneously to environmental changes, much like how human reflexes work but with greater precision and speed. Additionally, the relays facilitate seamless integration with cybernetic enhancements or neural uplinks, allowing for fluid communication between the android's systems and external devices or operators.

Component Name Function
J5-N441X Central Nervous System
J5-N442X Nanite Nervous Relays
J5-N443X Secondary AI Core

Body Regulation and Repair System

The regulation and repair system mimics human immune and homeostasis functions with the use of digestive and watchdog nanites. Digestive nanites break down ingested material used to fuel the android. The broken down glucose and frutose are either directly used for power or stored. Other elements of the material are made used in the maintenance of the android's internal systems. The watchdog nanites act similarly to white blood cells, identifying malfunctioning components or eliminating foreign contaminants.

The Metabolism Regulator, housed in the neck, maintains stable internal temperature by adjusting cooling or heating processes as required. This component is crucial for ensuring that the Iris operates efficiently, especially in environments with fluctuating temperatures, such as industrial facilities or outdoor locations with extreme weather.

Lastly, the Iris Lymph Monitors manage nanite circulation within the android, ensuring that necessary resources are distributed evenly and prevents localized shortages of repair nanites. The system also facilitates the quick recycling of deactivated nanites, reducing maintenance costs.

Component Name Function
J5-R441X Digestive Nanite/Enzymes generator
J5-R442X Police Nanite Hive
J5-R443X Metabolism Regulator
J5-R444X Iris Lymph Monitors

Intake Processing and Storage

Intake Processing and Storage for the Iris is handled by a digestion tank and pseudo-fat layer. The Digestion Tank, a bioreactor, processes consumed material with the help of nanites. Anything that isn't immediately used, such as storing repair resources and fuel, is kept in matter akin to human fat storage for use later. This enables the android to operate in more austure conditions away from recharging stations.

The digestion tank can process a wide range of organic materials, providing a versatile means of energy intake. For example, Iris models deployed in remote or resource-limited environments can consume locally available organic matter, such as plant material, to sustain their operations.

Component Name Function
J5-F441X Digestion Tank
J5-F442X Fat Layer

Cardiovacular and Respiratory System

The cardiovascular and respiratory system uses Zhenren-derived nanocomposite lungs for oxygen intake and waste gas expulsion, fueling energy production. The Iris' synthetic blood (derived from AquaGenesis Fluid (Suaryoradone)), transports oxygen needed for power throughout the body.

The nanites within the blood are multifunctional, not only carrying oxygen but also repairing minor internal damage as they circulate. Waste products from cellular respiration and other internal processes are handled through a simplified lymphatic system, which uses Iris Lymph Fluid to carry waste to designated filtration systems.

Component Name Function
J5-CR441X Respiratory Units
J5-CR442X Blood Pump
J5-CR443X Blood Nanites
J5-CR444X Iris Blood Fluid
J5-CR445X Iris Lymph Fluid
J5-CR446X Body Fluid Generator


Primary power for the Iris is provied by cellular respiration, using nanite mitochondria from Advancer Enterprises. The Iris can switch to anaerobic fermentation during emergencies and is also equipped with bio-cells for power storage. These cells, placed in the lower back, allow the Iris to enter protective mode to ensure the AI can be recovered or simply “limp” away in a crisis.

The nanite mitochondria replicate the energy production seen in organic beings, enabling the Iris to make use of converted sugars from the digestion tank into ATP. The bio-cells, meanwhile, serve as a power reserve for critical systems like the neural core, ensuring that important functions remain operational even if the primary energy source is depleted.

Component Name Function
J5-P441X Nanite Mitochondria
J5-P442X Bio-Cells

Waste Management Systems

The Iris' Waste Management System is responsible for handling waste products created in its operation. Circulatory Waste Processor mimics human kidney function, filtering blood to maintain health. These waste products are then transported to a second bio-reactor acting as the intestines, connected to a central waste container (the waste extractors). While expelling waste like a human is not required for functionality , it aids in mimicking human behaviors for integration/infiltration purposes.

The bio-reactor also plays a role in recycling usable materials from waste products, which can then be reintegrated into the Iris's systems.

Component Name Function
J5-W441X Circulatory Waste Processor
J5-W442X Waste Bio-reactor
J5-W443X Forward Waste Extractor
J5-W444X Rear Waste Extractor

Exterior Systems

The Iris's outer layer consists of Adaptive Nanoweave impregnated with micropumps that secrete an additional outer polymer layer containing Surgical Nanites for sensory creation and capillary formation. Hair generated from the Hair Matrix can change color starting from the roots.

Component Name Function
J5-O441X Skin Matrix
J5-O442X Hair Matrix

Sensor and Communication Package

All base models' optical units include capabilities like 100x telescopic, UV, and infrared vision, but upgrades are possible, such as with "Monoeye" Directional Sensor Suite. The Iris also features advanced pseudo-telepathic and wireless communication modules, allowing seamless information exchange with other devices and operators. The telepathy system derived from the Advancer TIN System, embedded in the android's “brain” and hands, enables close-range communication by touch, which is particularly useful in stealth operations where silent communication is necessary.

The vocalization module, combined with realistic lip movement and a flexible tongue, allows the Iris to replicate human speech with near-perfect accuracy. This ability is vital for scenarios where the android is interacting with humans in customer service, teaching, or leadership roles.

Component Name Function
J5-E441X Optical Unit
J5-E442X Audio Processor
J5-E443X Telepathy and Neural Lace System
J5-E444X Wireless Communications
J5-E445X Vocalization Module

Extra Options

For customers seeking a “complete” human experience, the Iris Series Android offers optional gendered sexual packages, providing functioning sexual organs and responsive features for female models. These packages are fully integrated with the android's sensory systems, allowing for realistic responses. More information is available here.

Component Name Function
J5-A441X Male Sexual Package
J5-A442X Female Sexual Package

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2022/09/23 02:02. All artwork commissioned by demibear from The Iris Series was inspired from two sources: the androids of Detroit:Become Human and the artist (nsfw warning).

Approval Thread:

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesrobots
Product NameIris Series Android
ManufacturerRyu Heavy Industries, Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing
Year ReleasedYE 46
Price (KS)15 ,000.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 1
Approval ThreadLink

corp/nrm/drone/iris_android.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/08 11:59 by andrew