Table of Contents

Sprite Cabin F1

Sprite Cabin F1 is a large shared living space which is designed to accommodate 50 Sprites on the YSS Tokyo. Tokyo Violet sleeps and lives in the room, along with 49 other Sprites.

Living Area

The living area features a large lounging sofa which can fit 50 Sprites, albeit with each individual in close proximity. A large coffee table is situated at the middle of the couch. One volumetric screen projector is located in front of the couch, along with one behind it. Two large refrigerators are in the kitchen area, which features a large oven and a singleservice android which functions primarily as a cook.

Sleeping Room

The sleeping room is centered around a variant of the Traditional Nekovalkyrja Nest which is modified to accommodate up to 60 Nekovalkyrja Sprites and features a self-cleaning system. The room is fitted with sonic-dampening equipment to prevent the spread of excessive sound, allowing the occupants to sleep uninterrupted in spite of individuals frequently entering and leaving the area. Orbiting the nest is wall of 50 large storage compartments which can accommodate each Sprite's personal belongings and uniforms.

Bathing Area

The bathing area features communal showers and changing areas. The room also has multiple Standard Star Army Toilets, sink basins, and full-body volumetric mirrors.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2020/03/12 19:31 by Immortal Cyan.

🚧 This article is a work in progress; It is currently not approved as canon.
