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Emergency Support System

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Standard on all Neshaten starships and stations is the ESS Mk1, the ESS Mk1 is critical in ensuring that Neshaten ships have the proper protections in the event of a hull breach, onboard fire, or in the very well event of an evacuation.

Emergency Systems

The following is a list of emergency systems used by the Mk 1

Damage Control

Located on all decks of a ship, and traditionally every twenty feet, are small damage control clusters that house repair parts and fire-fighting gear. Blafire doors can only be disengaged by authorized crewmen, including officers and engineering staff.

Blafire Doors

Blafire doors, or Blast Fire Doors, are doors designed not only to provide containment in the event of a hull breach but also resistant to fire, allowing them to also isolate fires from spreading. Blafire doors are not just located in a ship or station hallways but also within maintenance conduits to provide complete isolation and compartmentalization.

Fire Suppression System

The FSS is the primary means for starship and station crews to fight fires. It is purely a gel based system to help smoother fires. In conjunction with a ships life support systems, the ACS can also isolate fires from rooms by shutting off all oxygen producing plants or even closing off vents.

Containment Fields

Multi-spectral shielding is used within the hallways to contain atmosphere during hull-breaches but can also serve as a secondary measure to stop boarding parties in their tracks.

Life-saving systems

Required on all ships, in the event of ship loss or extreme failure of ship systems and the risk of destruction, are escape pods.

K1-25 Escape Pods

The majority of Neshaten starships utilize the K1-25 Escape Pod.