Hi'nsen Integrity System

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

The Hi'nsen Integrity System, known simply as HIS, is a system of force fields designed by the Kingdom of Neshaten that helps to reinforce the structural points located within a starship or station. Unlike traditional starship shielding, this type of shielding goes deeper by projecting a field that protects material from the stresses given off by weapons fire, gravity, FTL and STL travel, amongst other things.

It is designed to help augment a ships damage control systems as well, by allowing containment fields to better operate when a hull-breach is detected. The field can be expanded as well to envelope other ships within a short radius, this only provides those ships with a fifty percent protection unless the field is strengthened.

The force fields strength is depicted by percentages, ranging from one hundred to zero percent, with zero meaning that there is no protection from external stresses while one hundred percent means that there is one hundred percent protection. As architecture takes damage, so to does the field, this means that in prolonged conflict the field could eventually fail. This also means that hull breaches can have a very negative impact on the HIS's field strength.