Mishhuvurthyar Ship Compartments

The following page is a list of interior spaces found in Mishhuvurthyar starships and facilities, for use by Game Masters. This helps with consistency and makes life easier. The list is a work in progress; feel free to add to it.

Ship Interiors

“They gained an area where gravity was restored and that seemed to have, more or less, a floor… slimy white fluids tricked down the ceiling to pool over the gridded floor, with hard-shelled bugs about the size of a housecat wandered about.”

The Black Knights departed with Asher in the lead, flying up through a tubular ribbed corridor. The organic cast of the ship's interior, with slick and moist surfaces, evoked the impression of navigating through the veins of some gargantuan living creature.

The next large chamber they spied had no discernible top or bottom; it was a cavernous room from which a cluster of other passages extended out, again bringing alveola-structures to mind. At the hub center of that area resided a horde of Mishhuvurthyar.

Most - around sixty - were hovering into groups of five, the drooping jellyfish-like tentacles coiled around a foursome of what looked like anti-mecha railgun weapons while other tentacles were tipped with wicked bladed caps to help cut through the opposition they would not be able to subdue with their venomous stingers alone. These were easy to identify as battle-ready soldiers, organized but all itching for an obviously impending fight.

A handful of Mishhuvurthyar were against the walls, their greenish shells resting into white-slime that brought to mind a heterogeneous mix of sticky melted cheese and very curdled milk. Likely 'workers' wounded when the light cruiser had collided into their flagship, there Mishhu writhed slightly as smaller bugs and worms were piecing them apart, devouring them alive.

Apparently, Mishhu whom were too wounded to regenerate did not benefit from medical aid.