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Great Conflict Era

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

The first recorded Era of Abwehran History, the Great Conflict Era was not the beginning of Abwehran civilization. Instead, it was a time after a great upheaval. Two superpowers rose to power and decimated the recorded histories of civilizations before. So great was the hunt for these historic texts that modern day Abwehrans can only find ruins to this day and nothing about the civilizations other than that. Because the Great Conflict Era was such a long Era, it was further divided into Ages for better recording.

Formation Age

The Formation Age was the time where both the Oberflache Reich and Unterwelt Reich decimated the remanants of past cultures and solidified their own power. During this time frame, only two wars were prosecuted against one another. This events happened between the times of 00 GC and 46 GC (2962 and 2802 years before the Yamatai Star Empire).

Important Events of the Age

Brutality Age

An age that lasted from 47 GC to 215 GC (between 2801 and 2204 years before the Yamatai Star Empire), the Brutality Age was a time of near constant warfare that ranged from battles of swords and spears to those of muskets and cannon.

Important Events of the Age

Calm Age

There is a saying on Abwehr that “Calm is the sky before the Thunder.” This time period between 216 GC and 319 GC (2203 and 1832 years before the Yamatai Star Empire) was filled with more innovation than destruction. However, it all ended with the Brutal War.

Important Events of the Age

Devastation Age

After the Calm Age, the brutality of the Devastation Age came as a great shock to every Abwehran of the time. Between GC 320 and GC 412 (1831 and 1486 years before the Yamatai Star Empire), Abwehrans would see not only the greatest casualty rate of a single war, but also the invention of a weapon so devastating it drove the people of Abwehr towards the destruction of their nations and the movement to a unified, dictatorial government.

Important Events of the Age

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/01/20 10:20 by Abwehran Commander.