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Phantom Suit

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The Phantom Suit is a full-body equipment that operates on similar principles to the Phantom Drive. It allows the user to phase in and out of reality, creating a ghost-like effect for those observing them.

The non-observation effect is not as pronounced as it is with ships using the Phantom Drive to travel. Wearers have the following abilities while their suit is active:

While Out-of-Phase, wearers have the following restrictions and/or complications:

Non-interactivity can be challenging for the wearer to adjust to. Their general position, inertia, etc, are preserved, but they are otherwise unable to interact with the world around them while 'phased out'. It takes months of training to be considered 'skilled' with the suit's use. 'Phasing in' while part of your body is in another object could result in loss of that body part (or death); for this reason the suit is designed to 'shunt' itself (and its occupant) in the direction where the suit is not inside an object.

Skilled operators can make use of this effect to quickly move in unexpected directions. Unskilled operators may find themselves breaking bones, landing flat on the floor, or worse. The suit has no concept of the user's safety beyond 'inside an object' and 'not inside an object' across its surface.

Phasing the suit is a full-body action. It is not possible to phase or unphase parts of the suit, nor would a section of the suit removed from the rest of the suit work. Any attempts to do so would remove the unphased part of the suit/body from the rest of the suit/body entirely. The same is true for any phase-enabled equipment the wearer may be carrying.

Phase-enabled Equipment

Close-combat weapons tend to be the preferred tool of Phantom Suit wearers. The weapons stay 'in phase' with the suit itself and, as such, are incapable of adversely affecting the preserved waveform that allows phasing to happen.

An object that 'safely' leaves the waveform behaves as normal. Spy equipment, explosives, and so forth work perfectly well with the Phantom Suit.

Phase-incompatible Equipment

Shield project systems, gravitic systems, and more are largely incompatible with Phantom technology. Effective use of the Phantom Suit requires the user to rapidly phase and unphase from reality. Shield projectors and the like cannot create effective barriers while phased out, nor can the shield 'phase out' with the wearer.

Projectile and energy-based weapons are tricky to use with a Phantom Suit. It is possible to use them, but the act of firing a weapon causes the user's preserved waveform to collapse. This forcefully 'Phases In' the wearer. The suit then has to reconstruct the waveform due to the unexpected collapse, which can take several seconds. The projectiles themselves are still operating under the rules of the waveform, causing them to take longer to travel than normal and greatly reducing their power.

Thruster systems and the like are likewise incompatible with being Phased.

In all of the above cases, it is possible to have a suit equipped with all of these things, but none of them work with an active suit.

OOC Notes

Whisper created this article on 2019/09/16 10:18.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.