Table of Contents


Give a general overview of the species in a few sentences. Include their homeworld, distinctive characteristics, and national affiliation (if applicable).

Concept: Imagine if every apex predator got together and had a kid, and then that kid learned how to get stronger using aether.

A war-like, tribal culture of humanoid reptiles. Few specifics about the Droma are known, save for that they display both adaptive_biology and Adaptive Evolution.


The Droma do not maintain a true history, but instead rely upon fantastic retellings of their ancestors' deeds. As such, it is near impossible to piece together an accurate history for the species. Even a single tribe will have highly conflicting stories, which they do not seem to mind.


The Droma are a member of the Briyanki Kingdom, and as such display many features in common with other species within that Kingdom. These may include, but are not limited to:


The Droma are the product of untold generations worth of selective genetics. The hypothetical 'pure' Droma is an incredible apex predator, with physical characteristics on par or exceeding modern Power Armors.



Droma tend to stand upright, not unlike a tall human. Their digitigrade legs seem as well suited for this as for prowling and their forelimbs function as quite capable arms. While Droma do not seem to use tools, they are still capable of constructing crude homes, starting fires, etc, and for the most part seem to emulate a primitive culture most of the time.


When Droma hunt, they frequently lower themselves onto all four of their primary limbs. Like this, they move in a fashion similar to a tiger. Despite their bulk they are surprisingly quiet when moving. Their fastest observed speed was in prowling 'stance', easily matching the terrestrial cheetah.

Rapid Movement

Using their tail and/or tentacles, Droma seem to be able to make extremely abrupt turns, jumps, and lunges.


All parts of a Droma seem to be weaponized. Both hands and feet can spontaneously produce claws. All four tentacles and tail end in wicked spikes and are covered in sharp spines along the underside. Even their mouth boasts impressively sharp teeth.

Despite all of their natural weaponry, non-feral Droma seem to prefer fighting with their claws only. Using all of their limbs and tentacles seems to be a last resort, for reasons unknown.

Interactions with Objects

When not in combat, Droma tend to use either set of hands as appropriate. It is not unusual to see them using their tentacles or tail in a prehensile fashion to carry additional objects or captured prey.

Reproductive Information

All Droma are the product of a 'mainline' Droma gene and a 'hybrid' donor parent gene . The Droma gene always breeds true and all hybrids identify as Droma. It is believed that the mainline gene has been modified over the generations through something akin to standard evolution - which suggests that the modern Droma is the result of untold generations of cumulative successful hybridization upon some ancient base form.


Droma, as an all female species capable of hybridizing with any other species, do not have sex in any conventional way. Instead, they can 'sample' another creature's genes by consuming some amount of its body with the intention to produce a hybrid. Once consumed, their body instinctively collects the creature's genes and moves it to the ovaries. There, the genetic material can reside for weeks before ovulation begins.

The specific outcome of this process is not entirely within her control beyond this point - a hybrid may be or less fit depending on the results of the genetic combination. There is no guarantee that her offspring will have the specific quality that the mother intended, much as with any other species.

For this reason, mothers will often try to have multiple offspring at once. Some Droma mothers will kill offspring at birth if they do not match the desired outcome; others will let nature takes its course.


Droma are typically oviparous. When fertilization is complete, Droma can deposit an egg within hours or days of ovulation. It is possible for a mother to temporarily halt this process and pause development, allowing her to contain multiple eggs ready for deposition - though this can not be maintained indefinitely and can result in harm to the mother over time.

When it is time to deposit the eggs, the Droma mother's tail acts as an ovipositor. The long, spiked tail allows her to easily select a number of viable locations to place the egg, be it underground, within another creature, or out in the open.

The egg itself is made of a material similar to the exoskeleton of the parent Droma. This gives it fantastic durability during the embryo's development. However, it is susceptible to a chemical agent naturally produced by a maturing embryo that causes the to slowly break down over time. When the Droma inside (already a powerful predator) is ready to hatch, the egg has been sufficiently prepared for it to do so with minimal effort.

Early Life

A newborn Droma is largely on its own at first. While it has a limited genetic memory, it must quickly develop its own hunting skills. Young Droma must be voracious eaters in order to keep up with their body's demands for growth. As they mature, more of their genetic memory is unlocked and they quickly achieve sentience.

Language and culture must still be learned, however. Typical tribes seem to keep a careful eye on their developing young, waiting for them to be ready before introducing them into the community. Once introduced, they are quickly taught what it is to be Droma and expected to follow the tribe's norms.

Some Droma, lacking a tribe, appear to be 'feral'. It is suspected that a mother, facing a lethal environment, may select a donor parent that has qualities that would allow it to survive. The offspring of this union may be fit for the environ, but lack the teaching that a tribe would provide. In some ways, feral Droma are more terrifying than non-feral - they are significantly more bestial predators and cannot be reasoned with.

Appearance Information

Droma are highly varied due to their hybrid nature. The following descriptions are for average characteristics; example “sub-species” are listed below.

Droma have muscular bodies with powerful limbs, a large head, and a tail that is typically twice the length of their upper body. Their head, forearms, parts of their legs and chest are covered in a dense exoskeleton. The non-exoskeleton parts of their body tend to be smooth, scaly skin that tightly clings to the muscle beneath.

While it appears that Droma have a single, long tail, closer observation reveals that they have a long tail and a bundle of four tentacles that start midway down their back. When not in use, these tentacles cling to the back and tail, giving the appearance of a single tail. Each tentacle has a set of retractable spines along the underside of its length. Both the tentacles and the tail end in an exoskeleton-covered spike.

Coloration from droma to droma varies, as do markings and general exoskeleton 'design'. Exoskeletons tend to be white or gray; scales can be any color typical to reptiles, though darker/muted colors are most typical.

The eyes of a Droma show clear intelligence, even in feral examples, and have been seen to be blue, green, or purple.

Most, but not all, Droma show signs of Aetherphores. In some cases these seem to cover their entire bodies, giving them an all-over brilliant glow of aetheric energy. Most examples have them located in concentrated locations or as lines running across their skin in various patterns. Individuals who have these 'markings' seem to have some control over the amount of glow they give off and the 'pattern' in which they glow.

It is not known, at this time, if these Aetherphores have any purpose in Droma beyond their ability to confound aetheric sensing devices.

Physical Statistics



Describe the diet of the species. Elucidate whether the species is carnivorous, omnivorous, or herbivorous. If the species is humanoid, omit any dietary information that is identical to that of baseline humans.


Droma, via the hybridization process, seem to thrive in any terrestrial environment. Not all specimens can survive in all locations, however.

It is unknown if Droma are space-compatible.

Life Cycle

A newly-hatched Droma is believed to reach maturity (and sentience) within six months to a year of birth. The primary factor seems to be availability of foodstuffs.

It is unknown if the Droma have a maximum age.


Little is known of Droma culture, other than that it seems very primitive.


Describe everyday, civilian and military attire. If there are castes and/or social classes, describe the fashion differences that distinguish these classes.


Droma are omnivorous, but seem to prefer meat.




Droma do not give themselves or each other names. Occasionally, they will earn a title based on some significant deed. Otherwise, they seem to know who they are discussing without using names.


Little to no political structure seems to be involved in Droma society. Tribes tend to follow either their eldest or their best warrior. Universally, Droma are only acknowledged as adults once they have proven themselves capable fighters.


Droma show no signs of intermediate or advanced technology. They can build shelters and occasionally use spears, but generally seem ignorant of the notion. Given the wide number of capabilities their bodies naturally afford them, it is possible they see no use in the idea.

However, given their wide dispersion amongst planets in the Sleeping Giants sector, they must have had some interaction with space travel in the past. It is possible that they were once space-born creatures like many of the other Briyanki before settling down planet-side.


Describe the economic practices of the species and their associated national affiliation.

OOC Notes

Whisper created this article on 2019/09/06 12:38.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.