Table of Contents

Khasidel's Starship/Station Design Sequence

🚧 FIXME This article is a work in progress; It is currently not approved as canon.

This is a possible alternative to the old starship design aid using stat tables found here and here. The ultimate goal is to depict the different ship classes, sizes, capabilities and the divergent technology of each civilizations level of advancement more realistically.

Step 1. Basic Concept

Step 1A. Role

The critical first step is to determine the ultimate role for a vessel or station. Which species does your creation belong to? How advanced are they? Is it a civilian freighter? A warship or a science vessel? This guide is also intended for use in designing space installations, so perhaps you want to design a research station, a shipyard or a orbital mineral refinery, etc.

Step 1B. Class

After determining the purpose for the ship or station, select a class designation; for this you can take inspiration from the intended role of the ship. A warship's name might have military connotations, i.e. Battleaxe-class destroyer, or Destier-class cruiser (named for medieval warhorses). A science vessel might be named something like Discovery-Class survey vessel. Alien species might have their starship classes named in their own language with a translation of the class name into English listed within the relevant wiki article.

Step 1C. Tech Rating

Next is the tech rating. The tech rating for starships and stations within this design guide is currently divided into five categories. It is a measure of a species technological advancement; determining the performance level of technology, while restricting certain types of technology from appearing within their ships and stations until the civilizations tech rating is high enough.

The tech ratings are:


These ships and stations belong to a civilization that is pre-FTL and hasn't yet developed the more exotic technologies like shields, gravity control, faster-than-light drives, reactionless slower-than-light drives, FTL sensors and communications etc. They are still more advanced than 21st century humanity and have technology like fusion torch drives, nuclear fusion power plants, and basic energy, missile and projectile weapons coupled with comparable armor and materials science. They are essentially on the cusp of joining the galactic community, but haven't quite made it there on their own yet.


The Tech-1 rating refers to those civilizations that have only just joined the galactic community; they have at least developed a working stardrive and begun to utilize the more exotic technologies like energy shields, particle weapons, anti-matter power, reactionless drives, gravity control, etc. This is the 'standard' category where new player factions introduced to the setting typically begin.


Civilizations of the Tech-2 rating still utilize most of the same basic technologies acquired when they attained the level of Tech-1, but they have become more refined and efficient. Tech-2 civilizations do still have access to a few new technologies, engines and weaponry classes that were too advanced for a Tech-1 race to possess. This is the 'advanced' category where player factions that have been part of the setting for a few years typically reside.


The Tech-3 civilizations are the SARP settings power factions; they are sufficiently developed to utilize aether-based weaponry and power systems and typically have the most advanced defences, materials science, sensors, comms and drive systems widely available in the setting. This is the old 'very advanced' category for player factions.


The Tech-4 rating is largely conceptual; no existing factions have technology within this tier as yet; though some historical factions may qualify, i.e. the Black Claw Star Empire. Technologies included in this category include transgalactic stardrive tech, efficient matter/energy conversion, world building, star crafting, advanced teleportation and generally anything too game breaking or overpowered to be widely available under the present circumstances. Tech-4 systems and ships can be used for plot elements, i.e. alien relics, derelicts and foes, but normally cannot be reverse-engineered and incorporated into a factions tech. Player factions may in the future be permitted to rise to this level – or at least possess some limited fourth tier technology – but this would be subject to moderator approval.

Step 1D. Type

Select are starship/station type. Starships and stations are typically categorized in a wide variety of 'types', or 'subtypes' depending on their intended role and function. There are types which are exclusively military, exclusively civilian, and some that are used by both elements of a civilization. The following list is not all-inclusive and other types and subtypes are possible.

Military Small Craft Types


Fighters are the basic military small craft; typically used to combat other small craft or harry larger ships, installations and ground-based targets. They come in a few subcategories depending on their intended role, which can be further divided into light or heavy subcategories; i.e., light interceptor, or heavy assault fighter, depending on their relative size and tonnages compared to other fighters built for the same role:


Bombers are a variety of small craft designed to engage targets with missile and torpedo ordinance; often the amount of firepower a bomber carries is disproportionate to their size and a significant threat to any capital ship, installation or ground-based target – however most bombers lack the manoeuvrability and performance of fighters and are vulnerable to interception.

Like fighters, there are a number of bomber subcategories which are further subdivided into light and heavy depending on their relative size and tonnages to other bombers in the same role:


Some civilizations utilize mecha as a form of combat vehicle; these are typically large bipedal or pseudo-humanoid shaped vehicles that can operate on the ground by walking in addition to being able to operate in the air and in space using some form of drive technology. Some mecha are also capable of reconfiguring themselves into a more efficient aerospace fighter/bomber configuration when they are operating in air or in space.

Mecha are more prevalent in Tech-0 or Tech-1 civilizations with non-existent or limited anti-gravity tech; the development of which makes large 'walker' type weapons platforms less efficient and common. Mecha subcategories are typically fighter/bomber analogues depending on their intended role and also come in light and heavy variants:


Corvettes or 'gunboats' are significantly larger than fighters, bombers and mecha, allowing them to pack in proportionately more crew and equipment of all types; armor, shields, drives, weaponry, etc, but are still categorized as a small craft. On occasion some vessels are designed to carry corvettes as a support unit, but most corvettes are equipped with their own stardrive and can operate independently. Routinely, corvette-type vessels are used as light escorts or for policing and customs duties – they are usually heavily armed enough and fast enough that they are more than an even match with most civilian vessels. Because of their larger size, some corvettes have enough interior space for specialized roles like boarding actions or small craft rearming and refuelling duties.

Corvettes are often designed – like most starships – with specific roles in mind. Subcategories include the following and are also further subdivided into light and heavy variants:

Combat Drones

Military Starship Types

Civilian / Military Small Craft Types

Civilian Starship Types

Installation Types

Step 1E. Displacement

When designing a ship or station using this guide, every design needs a displacement value in cubic meters (m3); a measure of the volume or the amount of physical space that its structure occupies. For some ship and station types there may be a range or limit for the displacement value that determines whether a design fits in a specific category.

This value is important for determining how much equipment and how many compartments can fit inside a given design. Every compartment type and system has its own displacement value and once a design reaches its full capacity no more can be added.

Military Small Craft Displacements

Military Starship Displacements

Civilian / Military Small Craft Displacements

Civilian Starship Displacements

Installation Displacements

OOC Notes

Khasidel created this article on 2016/04/05 05:40.